"Tarantulas" is a word in ENGLISH

tarantulas ENGLISH

of Tarantula

Few words of positivity

Men are like wine - some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.

Pope John XXIII

Laugh your heart out.

Where did the mooron take the baby cow to eat? To the calf-ateria!

citigradae ENGLISH

A suborder of Arachnoidea, including the European tarantula and the wolf spiders (Lycosidae) and their allies, which capture their prey …

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mygale ENGLISH

A genus of very large hairy spiders having four lungs and only four spinnerets. They do not spin webs, but …

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tarantella ENGLISH

A rapid and delirious sort of Neapolitan dance in 6-8 time, which moves in whirling triplets; -- so called from …

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tarantism ENGLISH

A nervous affection producing melancholy, stupor, and an uncontrollable desire to dance. It was supposed to be produced by the …

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tarantula ENGLISH

Any one of several species of large spiders, popularly supposed to be very venomous, especially the European species (Tarantula apuliae). …

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tarantulated ENGLISH

Bitten by a tarantula; affected with tarantism.

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tarentula ENGLISH

tibába - A venomous insect with a sting that is very painful; a kind of tarantula spider.

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