"Tangly" is a word in ENGLISH

tangly ENGLISH

Covered with tangle, or seaweed.

tangly ENGLISH

Entangled; intricate.

Few words of positivity

We live in a blatantly corrupt world and smart people engage in the wise practice of risk management.

Steven Magee

Laugh your heart out.

Kowalski and Janzek left Hamtramack and went out in the woods looking for Christmas trees. They looked all day without any luck. Near nightfall Kowalski finally said, "Janzek, I'm takin' the next tree we come to, whether it has lights on it or not!"

sampung CEBUANO

sampung v {1} [A; b(1)] cover or obstruct an opening or passage. Akuy musampung ug tabla ánang bangag arun walay …

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