"Tamsak" is a word in HILIGAYNON


támsak - To plash, splash, squelch; to
smack the lips, chew noisily, munch,
mump; a plash, splash, a sound as of
walking through slush or mud, or the like.
Nagatámsak ang lúnang kon lapákan.
Mud squelches if you walk in it. Indì ka
magtámsak kon magkáon. Indì ka
magpatámsak sang ímo bábà kon
magkáon. Don’t munch, when you eat. Indì
mo pagpatamsakón ang lúnang. Don’t
splash the mud. Nagtámsak siá sa túbig.
He fell into the water with a splash. He
plashed into the water. (cf. tagasák,
lágsak, tamasák, támsok).

Few words of positivity

The younger and healthier a woman is and the more her new and glossy body seems destined for eternal freshness, the less useful is artifice; but the carnal weakness of this prey that man takes and its ominous deterioration always have to be hidden from him...In any case, the more traits and proportions of a woman seem contrived, the more she delighted the heart of man because she seemed to escape the metamorphosis of natural things. The result is this strange paradox that by desiring to grasp nature, but transfigured, in woman, man destines her to artifice.

Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex

Laugh your heart out.

Two Polish guys were taking their first train trip to Warsaw on the train. A vendor came down the corridor selling bananas which they'd never seen before. Each bought one.The first one eagerly peeled the banana and bit into it just as the train went into a tunnel. When the train emerged from the tunnel, he looked across to his friend and said, "I wouldn't eat that if I were you." "Why not?" "I took one bite and went blind for half a minute."


alálpak - To splash, turn over with a flop, as sods in ploughing or the like. Nagalinágpak lámang ang mga …

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álias - To fly off, to fly out in all directions from a hole or receptacle, as rice grains from …

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alintabó - The rising of clouds of dust, the splashing or spraying of water and the like; to rise (of …

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lapútyak - To spatter, bespatter; the noise or splash of mud, slush, water, etc. Magalapútyak ang lúnang, kon ímo lapákan. …

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