"Tamparus" is a word in CEBUANO

tamparus CEBUANO

tamparus v {1} [A12; c1] do s.t.
hurriedly and carelessly.
Ug tamparusun (itamparus) ninyu pagtáud ang bungbung man- gatangtang lang nà dáyun, If you put the wall up hurriedly and carelessly, it will get loose right away.
{2} [A; ab2] slap the face hard.
Tamparusun ta kag magtubagtubag ka, Ill slap you in the face if you talk back.
n {1} hard slap in the face.
{2} insult.
Tamparus álang kanátù ang íyang pagbalíbad, His refusal is a slap on the face.

Few words of positivity

Man, when I'm riding with the helmet on, I'm invisible. And people just deal with me as the guy on the bike... it gives you a chance to read 'em.

Brad Pitt

Laugh your heart out.

A devoted wife had spent her lifetime taking care of her husband. When he was slipping in and out of a coma for several months, she stayed by his bedside every single day. When he came to, he motioned for her to come nearer. As she sat by him, he said, "You know what? You have been with me all through the bad times. "When I got fired, you were there to support me. When my business failed, you were there. When I got shot, you were by my side. When we lost the house, you gave me support. When my health started failing, you were still by my side. "You know what?" "What, dear?" his wife asked gently. "I think you bring me bad luck."


bakas Active Verb: bumakas Definition: 1) print, mark, trace (noun) 2) to mark or leave a mark; to leave a …

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buffet ENGLISH

A blow with the hand; a slap on the face; a cuff.

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dapiyu CEBUANO

dapíyu v [AN; a1b2] slap or strike s. o. heavily on the face or head. Hidapyuhan ta man kag dì …

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kámias - Tap, light stroke, gentle slap; to tap, slap, strike with the finger-tips. Kamiasá ang íya ilóng. Tap his …

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kurti n {1} measure of cloth cut in advance. Tagpíla man ang kurti íning karsunisúna? How much is this pant, …

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labhà v {1} [ABN; b4] for the skin to get welts, bruises, or red splotches; cause it to do so. …

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lágpì - To rap, flip, fillip, strike or slap with the finger-tips or in any similar way. Si nánay naglágpì …

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lapiki CEBUANO

lapikì n repeated, sharp smacking sounds. v [A; c] make a smacking sound. Milapikì ang íyang nawung pagtamparus nákù, Her …

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pákà n loud cracking sound like that of guns, wood cracking, slapping sound. v {1} [A] make a cracking sound. …

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palù v [A; ab2] hit, slap in punishment. Paluun ku ang ímung nawung, I will slap your face. Hipaluan siya …

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sagpà v [A; a2b2] slap, strike the face with the open palm. mu rag gi-ug wala deeply insulted (as if …

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sampal CEBUANO

sampal v [A; a1b2] slap s. o. with the hand on any part of the body, but esp. the face. …

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sampal TAGALOG

sampal Active Verb: manampal Passive Verb: sampalin Definition: (verb) to slap on the face 2 Definition: Notes: Examples: 1) Huwag …

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sampalung CEBUANO

sampalung v [A; a2b2] slap s. o. in the face. Sampalungun ku nang mutsatsáha ug dílì mutúug sugúun, I will …

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samparing CEBUANO

samparing humorous pronunciation of sampaling slap in the face in imitation of Japanese soldiers. sampay v {1} [A; c] hang …

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tagasák - A slap, a clap; to slap, resound (as a blow struck with something flat). Ang íya mga kamót …

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tampaling CEBUANO

tampaling v [A; ab2] slap the face. Walà kay katungud mutam-paling nákù, You had no right to slap me in …

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tarà v {1} [A; cP] put s.t. where it is easy to get at, can easily be hit. Mitarà siya …

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tubag v {1} [A; a1c6] answer. Akuy mutubag sa pangutána, Ill answer the question. Tubaga ang nangutána, Answer the per-son …

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wingig CEBUANO

wíngig a deflected, crooked line or row. v {1} [B; c1] for a line to be deflected. Muwíngig (mawíngig) ang …

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