"Tambayayung" is a word in CEBUANO

tambayayung CEBUANO

tambayáyung (from yáyung) v [A1C; b(1)] work together shar-ing the labor, share in expenses.
Dílì siya mutambayáyung sa buluhatun sa balay, He does not help out with household chores.
Nagtambayáyung mi sa ábang, We each pay a share of the rent.
n one whom one works together with to accomplish s.t.
ka- = tambayáyung, n.

Few words of positivity

I was stupid, mad and dead, but the Lord Jesus saved me from my stupidity.

Oppong Amankwaa

Laugh your heart out.

Why did Julius Caesar buy crayons ?He wanted Mark Antony !

nausea ENGLISH

Seasickness; hence, any similar sickness of the stomach accompanied with a propensity to vomit; qualm; squeamishness of the stomach; loathing.

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Reouperatio LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In old English |aw. Recovery; restitution by the sentence ot a judge of a thing that has been wrong* …

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English: v. shake Tagalog: uga

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nightman ENGLISH

One whose business is emptying privies by night.

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reputable ENGLISH

Having, or worthy of, good repute; held in esteem; honorable; praiseworthy; as, a reputable man or character; reputable conduct.

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ephialtes ENGLISH
upholster ENGLISH
conceit ENGLISH

To form an idea; to think.

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barbarity ENGLISH

Cruelty; ferociousness; inhumanity.

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líghot - To seek, look for, try to find, search after something (especially in a place dense with undergrowth, in …

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hellenism ENGLISH

A phrase or form of speech in accordance with genius and construction or idioms of the Greek language; a Grecism.

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To seize and hold by clasping or embracing with the fingers or arms; to catch to take possession of.

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paka n pincers of shellfish.

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presentation ENGLISH

The act of presenting, or the state of being presented; a setting forth; an offering; bestowal.

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tubulipore ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of Bryozoa belonging to Tubulipora and allied genera, having tubular calcareous calicles.

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cosier ENGLISH

A tailor who botches his work.

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center ENGLISH

One of the two conical steel pins, in a lathe, etc., upon which the work is held, and about which …

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A building containing an apartment or a series of apartments arranged for bathing.

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fumigate ENGLISH

To apply smoke to; to expose to smoke or vapor; to purify, or free from infection, by the use of …

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