"Talisayon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

talisayon HILIGAYNON

talisáyon - Pertaining or referring to
talísay; coloured like talísay leaves
(applied particularly to black and reddishcoloured chickens).

Few words of positivity

The telescope destroyed the firmament, did away with the heaven of the New Testament, rendered the ascension of our Lord and the assumption of his Mother infinitely absurd, crumbled to chaos the gates and palaces of the New Jerusalem, and in their places gave to man a wilderness of worlds.

Robert G. Ingersoll, Some Mistakes of Moses

Laugh your heart out.

John: "I'm a man of few words."Bill: "I'm married, too."

tarimaan ILOKANO

v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ [: TARIMNEN] to put in proper order, to do properly; to fix.

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mainstay ENGLISH

The stay extending from the foot of the foremast to the maintop.

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havildar ENGLISH

In the British Indian armies, a noncommissioned officer of native soldiers, corresponding to a sergeant.

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Keenly or unduly attentive to one's own interest; close and exact in dealing; shrewd; as, a sharp dealer; a sharp …

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imping ENGLISH

The act or process of grafting or mending.

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disrepute ENGLISH

Loss or want of reputation; ill character; disesteem; discredit.

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bunita CEBUANO

buníta = bunítu (female).

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adjunct ENGLISH

Conjoined; attending; consequent.

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loquacity ENGLISH

The habit or practice of talking continually or excessively; inclination to talk too much; talkativeness; garrulity.

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In old Engllsh law. Tenure

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gangut CEBUANO

gangut n thick scar tissue left on the neck after a wound. v [B26; b4] form thick scar tissue on …

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duga-duga HILIGAYNON

dugâ-dugâ - Dim. of dúgà.

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arable ENGLISH

Arable land; plow land.

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kadúyug - Inclination, bent, leaning towards, propensity for. (dúyug; cf. kabúyok, kinaanáran).

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hinampung HILIGAYNON

hinámpung - To reach, come to, arrive at, make. (cf. sámpung, abút, sáp-ong, sámput, dángat).

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English: big; huge Tagalog: malaki

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