"Talipuspuson" is a word in HILIGAYNON

talipuspuson HILIGAYNON

talipuspusón - Approaching the end,
termination, about to be finished.
Talipuspusón na ang áni. The rice-harvest
is—coming to an end,—nearly finished.
Talipuspusón na ang pamúnga sang páhò.
The mango-season is now nearly over. (cf.
tápus, katapúsan, hilingapusón).

Few words of positivity

Leaders pull the trigger, but the "shot" belongs to you.

Alin Sav

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do Saddam Hussein and General Custer have in common ? A: They both want to know where the hell those Tomahawks are coming from !

hinapus-tapus HILIGAYNON

hinapús-tapús - Towards the end, near completion, nearly finished, almost complete; extreme, consummate; to be nearly finished, etc. (cf. tápus, …

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