"Tailed" is a word in ENGLISH

tailed ENGLISH

Having a tail; having (such) a tail or (so many) tails; --
chiefly used in composition; as, bobtailed, longtailed, etc.

Few words of positivity

The green sea swept into the shallows and seethed there like slaking quicklime. It surged over the rocks, tossing up spangles of water like a juggler and catching them deftly again behind. It raced knee-deep through the clefts and crevices, twisted and tortured in a thousand ways, till it swept nuzzling and sucking into the holes at the base of the cliff. The whole reef was a shambles of foam, but it was bright in the sun, bright as a shattered mirror, exuberant and leaping with light.

Colin Thiele

Laugh your heart out.

Where do you find a down-and-out octopus ? On squid row !

alioth ENGLISH

A star in the tail of the Great Bear, the one next the bowl in the Dipper.

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alum n mole. -an a having a mole. () n snappers which have dorsal moles on the side just in …

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angwantibo ENGLISH

A small lemuroid mammal (Arctocebus Calabarensis) of Africa. It has only a rudimentary tail.

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anomuran ENGLISH

Irregular in the character of the tail or abdomen; as, the anomural crustaceans.

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One of the orders of amphibians characterized by the absence of a tail, as the frogs and toads.

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anurous ENGLISH

Destitute of a tail, as the frogs and toads.

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A quadrumanous mammal, esp. of the family Simiadae, having teeth of the same number and form as in man, and …

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v. /MA NG-:-AN/ to whip in a slashing way. Saan mo nga aplitan dayta asok. Don’t whip my dog. /MANGI-: …

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apteryx ENGLISH

A genus of New Zealand birds about the size of a hen, with only short rudiments of wings, armed with …

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The Altar; a southern constellation, south of the tail of the Scorpion.

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archaeopteryx ENGLISH

A fossil bird, of the Jurassic period, remarkable for having a long tapering tail of many vertebrae with feathers along …

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A genus of East Indian pheasants. The common species (A. giganteus) is remarkable for the great length and beauty of …

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A fabulous being of antiquity, said to have had a hundred eyes, who has placed by Juno to guard Io. …

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argus shell ENGLISH

A species of shell (Cypraea argus), beautifully variegated with spots resembling those in a peacock's tail.

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arrest ENGLISH

A scurfiness of the back part of the hind leg of a horse; -- also named rat-tails.

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ateles ENGLISH

A genus of American monkeys with prehensile tails, and having the thumb wanting or rudimentary. See Spider monkey, and Coaita.

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baboon ENGLISH

One of the Old World Quadrumana, of the genera Cynocephalus and Papio; the dog-faced ape. Baboons have dog-like muzzles and …

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bahag n G-string. Dì masaghirag bahag bayhána, That woman is terribly fertile. (Lit. You cant brush a g-string against her …

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bákit - A fern whose fronds (leaves) resemble the tail of a cat. (cf. bákwit).

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balbag CEBUANO

balbag v [A3P; a12] break into pieces due to an impact. Nabal-bag ang bagul nga gimartilyu, The coconut shell got …

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