"Tahong" is a word in TAGALOG

tahong TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) saltwater mussel; a species of clam

Few words of positivity

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.

H. L. Mencken

Laugh your heart out.

A couple was having some trouble, so they did the right thing and went to amarriage counselor. After a few visits, and a lot of questioning andlistening, the counselor said that he had discovered the main problem.He stood up, went over to the woman, asked her to stand, and gave her a hug.He looked at the man and said, "This is what your wife needs, at least oncea day!"The man frowned, thought for a moment, then said, "OK, what time do you wantme to bring her back tomorrow?"

refigure ENGLISH

To figure again.

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bassoon ENGLISH

A wind instrument of the double reed kind, furnished with holes, which are stopped by the fingers, and by keys, …

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A genus of large grasses of which the Indian corn (Zea Mays) is the only species known. Its origin is …

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deprive ENGLISH

To divest of office; to depose; to dispossess of dignity, especially ecclesiastical.

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tama1 Definition: (adj) correct; right; true

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lady's seal ENGLISH

The European Solomon's seal (Polygonatum verticillatum).

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carburet ENGLISH

A carbide. See Carbide

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In English practice. Certain days in the terms, which are solemn-ly kept in the inns of court and chancery, viz., …

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matter ENGLISH

That which is permanent, or is supposed to be given, and in or upon which changes are effected by psychological …

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crissal ENGLISH

Pertaining to the crissum; as, crissal feathers.

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A measure of two Winchester bushels.

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lymphatic ENGLISH

pertaining to, containing, or conveying lymph.

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remittitur ENGLISH

A remission or surrender, -- remittitur damnut being a remission of excess of damages.

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Cloth made of linen and wool, mixed.

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A small piece of cane or wood attached to the mouthpiece of certain instruments, and set in vibration by the …

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diablerie ENGLISH
aphony ENGLISH

Loss of voice or vocal utterance.

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Very high or tall; as, a ship with taunt masts.

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Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Saxifragaceae) of which saxifrage is the type. The order includes also …

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