"Syutis" is a word in CEBUANO

syutis CEBUANO

syútis {1} = asyútis.
{2} = sayúti.

Few words of positivity

Once again, there was a terrorist attack inside my mouth.

Namekojirushi, I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse: Volume 2

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call it when a cat bites? - A: Catnip!

stillicide ENGLISH

A continual falling or succession of drops; rain water falling from the eaves.

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strait ENGLISH

A variant of Straight.

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ásta - (Sp. hasta) Till, until; even, not even. Hulatá akó ásta sa las díes. Wait for me till ten …

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In old Engllsh law. The preclnct or juris-diction of a castle. Blonnt

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Quare Incumbravit LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A writ which lay against a bishop who, within six months after the vacation of a benefice, …

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alpabit CEBUANO

alpabit n the alphabet.

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ceremonial ENGLISH

A system of rules and ceremonies, enjoined by law, or established by custom, in religious worship, social intercourse, or the …

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sophical ENGLISH

Teaching wisdom.

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wordish ENGLISH

Respecting words; full of words; wordy.

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impose ENGLISH

To practice trick or deception.

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supravulgar ENGLISH

Being above the vulgar or common people.

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redound ENGLISH

The coming back, as of consequence or effect; result; return; requital.

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A certain quantity of land used as the basis for taxation. As much land as may be tilled by a …

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primariness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being primary, or first in time, in act, or in intention.

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testif ENGLISH

Testy; headstrong; obstinate.

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munific ENGLISH

Munificent; liberal.

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gliadin ENGLISH

Vegetable glue or gelatin; glutin. It is one of the constituents of wheat gluten, and is a tough, amorphous substance, …

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padríno - (Sp. padrino) Godfather. (cf. panínoy; madrína, manínay—godmother).

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liability ENGLISH

the sum of one's pecuniary obligations; -- opposed to assets.

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