"Syntactical" is a word in ENGLISH

syntactical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to syntax; according to the rules of
syntax, or construction.

Few words of positivity

May all you affirm and believe be given the opportunity to manifest - day by day.

Eleesha, The Soulful Pathway To Affirmations: Soulfully Affirming Your Life's True Purpose & Destiny With the Power of Affirmations

Laugh your heart out.

Old witch: Now I know you want a job with me. Do you tell lies? Young witch: No, but I can pick it up.

construe ENGLISH

To apply the rules of syntax to (a sentence or clause) so as to exhibit the structure, arrangement, or connection …

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ellipsis ENGLISH

Omission; a figure of syntax, by which one or more words, which are obviously understood, are omitted; as, the virtues …

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parataxis ENGLISH

The mere ranging of propositions one after another, without indicating their connection or interdependence; -- opposed to syntax.

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solecism ENGLISH

An impropriety or incongruity of language in the combination of words or parts of a sentence; esp., deviation from the …

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syntax ENGLISH

Connected system or order; union of things; a number of things jointed together; organism.

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syntax ENGLISH

That part of grammar which treats of the construction of sentences; the due arrangement of words in sentences in their …

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