"Symbol" is a word in ENGLISH

symbol ENGLISH

A visible sign or representation of an idea; anything which
suggests an idea or quality, or another thing, as by resemblance or by
convention; an emblem; a representation; a type; a figure; as, the lion
is the symbol of courage; the lamb is the symbol of meekness or

symbol ENGLISH

An abbreviation standing for the name of an element and
consisting of the initial letter of the Latin or New Latin name, or
sometimes of the initial letter with a following one; as, C for carbon,
Na for sodium (Natrium), Fe for iron (Ferrum), Sn for tin (Stannum), Sb
for antimony (Stibium), etc. See the list of names and symbols under

symbol ENGLISH

An abstract or compendium of faith or doctrine; a creed, or
a summary of the articles of religion.

symbol ENGLISH

That which is thrown into a common fund; hence, an
appointed or accustomed duty.

symbol ENGLISH

To symbolize.

symbol ENGLISH

Share; allotment.

symbol ENGLISH

Any character used to represent a quantity, an operation, a
relation, or an abbreviation.

Few words of positivity

But Aunt Habiba said not to worry, that everyone had wonderful things hidden inside. The only difference was that some managed to share those wonderful things, and others did not. Those who did not explore and share the precious gifts within went through life feeling miserable, sad, awkward with others, and angry too. You had to develop a talent, Aunt Habiba said, so that you could give something, share and shine. And you developed a talent by working very hard at becoming good at something. It could be anything - singing, dancing, cooking, embroidering, listening, looking, smiling, waiting, accepting, dreaming, rebelling, leaping. 'Anything you can do well can change your life', said Aunt Habiba.

Fatema Mernissi, Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood

Laugh your heart out.

What's big and ugly and drinks out of the wrong side of the glass?A monster trying to get rid of hiccups.

emblem ENGLISH

A visible sign of an idea; an object, or the figure of an object, symbolizing and suggesting another object, or …

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expression ENGLISH

Lively or vivid representation of meaning, sentiment, or feeling, etc.; significant and impressive indication, whether by language, appearance, or gesture; …

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An image or representation of anything formed in the mind; conception; thought; idea; conceit.

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hieroglyphic ENGLISH

A sacred character; a character in picture writing, as of the ancient Egyptians, Mexicans, etc. Specifically, in the plural, the …

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That quality of the imagination which gives to ideas an incongruous or fantastic turn, and tends to excite laughter or …

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ideography ENGLISH

The representation of ideas independently of sounds, or in an ideographic manner, as sometimes is done in shorthand writing, etc.

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A representation of anything to the mind; a picture drawn by the fancy; a conception; an idea.

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tautology ENGLISH

A repetition of the same meaning in different words; needless repetition of an idea in different words or phrases; a …

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In dramatic composition, one of the principles by which a uniform tenor of story and propriety of representation are preserved; …

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