"Suspensely" is a word in ENGLISH

suspensely ENGLISH

In suspense.

Few words of positivity

What mattered was stil there. That was what they all felt, and what surprised them all. What mattered couldnt be shaken.

Jodi Lynn Anderson, Love and Peaches

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why is the blonde's brain the size of a pea in the morning?A: It swells at night.

abeyance ENGLISH

Suspension; temporary suppression.

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In the law of estates. Expectation; waiting; suspense; remembrance and contemplation in law. where there ls no person ln existence …

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Admonition LAW AND LEGAL

In ecclesiastical law, this is the lightest form of punishment, con-slstlng in a reprimand and warning adinin-lstered by the judge …

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anchor ENGLISH

To fix or fasten; to fix in a stable condition; as, to anchor the cables of a suspension bridge.

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anxious ENGLISH

Full of anxiety or disquietude; greatly concerned or solicitous, esp. respecting something future or unknown; being in painful suspense; -- …

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In medical jurisprudence, want of breath; difficulty in breathing; partial or temporary suspension of resplra-tion; specifically, such difficulty of resplra-tion' …

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apnoea ENGLISH

Partial privation or suspension of breath; suffocation.

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In medical jurisprudence. The failure of consciousness aud suspension of voluntary motion from suspension of the functions of the cerebrum

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armistice ENGLISH

A cessation of arms for a short time, by convention; a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement; a truce.

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baroscope ENGLISH

Any instrument showing the changes in the weight of the atmosphere; also, less appropriately, any instrument that indicates -or foreshadows …

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bifilar ENGLISH

Two-threaded; involving the use of two threads; as, bifilar suspension; a bifilar balance.

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A rope of steel wire, or copper wire, usually covered with some protecting or insulating substance; as, the cable of …

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catalepsis ENGLISH

A sudden suspension of sensation and volition, the body and limbs preserving the position that may be given them, while …

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catenary ENGLISH

The curve formed by a rope or chain of uniform density and perfect flexibility, hanging freely between two points of …

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In ecclesiastical law. A spiritual punishment, consisting in withdraw-ing from a baptized person (whether be-longing to the clergy or the …

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convention ENGLISH

An agreement or contract less formal than, or preliminary to, a treaty; an informal compact, as between commanders of armies …

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Stop; pause; hesitation as to proceeding; suspense of decision or action; scruple.

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depend ENGLISH

To hang in suspense; to be pending; to be undetermined or undecided; as, a cause depending in court.

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dependence ENGLISH

A matter depending, or in suspense, and still to be determined; ground of controversy or quarrel.

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dependence ENGLISH

The act or state of depending; state of being dependent; a hanging down or from; suspension from a support.

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