"Surveyed" is a word in ENGLISH

surveyed ENGLISH

of Survey

Few words of positivity

The bird of hope singsPerched on the branches of twilight;Never grieve for anythingFor, the day always follows the night!

Neelam Saxena Chandra

Laugh your heart out.

Why do we put candles on top of a birthday cake? Because it's too hard to put them on the bottom!


In Spanish-American law. A document issued to a claimant of land as a protection to him, until a survey can …

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azimuth ENGLISH

An arc of the horizon intercepted between the meridian of the place and a vertical circle passing through the center …

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A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to …

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Block Of Surveys LAW AND LEGAL

In Pennsylva-nta land law. Any considerable body of contiguous tracts surveyed in the name of the same warrantee, without regard …

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To sight along an object or set of objects, to see if it or they be level or in line, …

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In American law. Visible marks or objects at the ends of the lines drawn in surveys of land, showing the …

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A pile of stones heaped up as a landmark, or to arrest attention, as in surveying, or in leaving traces …

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A reference to, or statement of, an object, course, distance, or other matter of description in a survey or grant …

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Chamber Surveys LAW AND LEGAL

At an early day in Pennsylvania, surveyors often made drafts on paper of pretended surveys of pub-lic lands, and returned …

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A map; esp., a hydrographic or marine map; a map on which is projected a portion of water and the …

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chorograph ENGLISH

An instrument for constructing triangles in marine surveying, etc.

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chorometry ENGLISH

The art of surveying a region or district.

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A surveying instrument, for taking horizontal angles and bearings; a surveyor's compass. It consists of a compass whose needle plays …

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command ENGLISH

Power to dominate, command, or overlook by means of position; scope of vision; survey.

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Court Of Survey LAW AND LEGAL

A court for the hearing of appeals by owners or masters of ships, from orders for the detention of un-safe …

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demicircle ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring angles, in surveying, etc. It resembles a protractor, but has an alidade, sights, and a compass.

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To survey with a dial.

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dialing ENGLISH

A method of surveying, especially in mines, in which the bearings of the courses, or the angles which they make …

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(Sax.) An ancient record made in the time of william the Conqueror, and now remain-ing in the English exchequer, consisting …

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episcopy ENGLISH

Survey; superintendence.

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