"Suringiw" is a word in CEBUANO

suringiw CEBUANO

suringiw a one who never does a thing right when sent on an errand.
Suringiw kaáyu ning batáang sugúun tungud sa kalinga, This child never does a thing right when he is sent on an errand because he is so inattentive.
v [B] fail to follow instructions.
Ngánung musuringiw ka mag sugúun?
Why dont you follow instructions when you are sent on an errand?

Few words of positivity

I can catch demons but people cry when I do that. And then I'm blamed for trying to control them. How convenient that the excuse of someone trapped in hell is that I'm manipulating her into getting out of it. That's how they see help, as an attack that must be defended at all cost. They can't see that their soul is in the hands of Satan already. He is the one instigating their fears and anger, as if they were just a puppet. They can't see that I pay a very heavy emotional, mental and physical price, every time I try to rescue one of the trapped souls, every time I love someone that doesn't know what love is anymore.

Robin Sacredfire

Laugh your heart out.

Boy to Friend: I'm sorry, I won't be able to go out after school. I promised Dad that I would stay in and help him with my homework.

dalagan CEBUANO

dalágan v {1} [A2S; ab3c] for a person to run. Midágan siya kay nahadluk, He ran away because he was …

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errand ENGLISH

A special business intrusted to a messenger; something to be told or done by one sent somewhere for the purpose; …

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express ENGLISH

Intended for a particular purpose; relating to an express; sent on a particular errand; dispatched with special speed; as, an …

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express ENGLISH

A messenger sent on a special errand; a courier; hence, a regular and fast conveyance; commonly, a company or system …

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lakat v {1} [A; a] walk. Mulakat na ang bátà, The baby is able to walk now. Duul ra man …

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mission ENGLISH

That with which a messenger or agent is charged; an errand; business or duty on which one is sent; a …

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ránir n one who is sent on errands. Aku ang ílang ránir, I am their errand boy. v [B16; a] …

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sugsug CEBUANO

sugsúg = sulugsúlug. súgù v {1} [A; a1c] tell s. o. to do s.t. Sugúun ta ka ug pagpalit ug …

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urasiyun CEBUANO

urasiyun n {1} special set prayers in the liturgy. {1a} a magical formula in Latin or pseudo-Latin which has curative …

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