"Supertuberation" is a word in ENGLISH

supertuberation ENGLISH

The production of young tubers, as potatoes, from
the old while still growing.

Few words of positivity

A true Christian only falls upward and not backward

John M Sheehan

Laugh your heart out.

OUESTION: What is cosmetics? ANSWER: Cosmetics is a woman's means for keeping a man from reading between the lines.

abietic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the fir tree or its products; as, abietic acid, called also sylvic acid.

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abortion ENGLISH

The immature product of an untimely birth.

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Actions Resgissory LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. These are either (1) actions of proper improbatiou for declaring a writing false or forged; (2) actions …

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adjuvant ENGLISH

A substance added to an immunogenic agent to enhance the production of antibodies.

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adulteration ENGLISH

An adulterated state or product.

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agsa v [A; b5] work on s.t. and be paid with half of product. Muagsa ku sa ímung tíkug kay …

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aguish ENGLISH

Productive of, or affected by, ague; as, the aguish districts of England.

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alíli - A loan contract, the loan to be paid, mostly at usurious interest, in agricultural products; to borrow money …

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alimukaw CEBUANO

alimúkaw n {1} state of semiconsciousness just before falling asleep or awakening. Ang íyang gisulti búnga lang sa íyang al-imúkaw, …

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v. /MA--AN/ to have an abortion or miscarriage; to give birth prematurely. Naalisan ni nanang na. His mother had a …

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alkarsin ENGLISH

A spontaneously inflammable liquid, having a repulsive odor, and consisting of cacodyl and its oxidation products; -- called also Cadel's …

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alloxan ENGLISH

An oxidation product of uric acid. It is of a pale reddish color, readily soluble in water or alcohol.

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amgid a similar. v {1} [BC; ac1c3] be similar. Miamgid (naamgid) ang istatuwa sa mudílu, The statue grew to be …

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amphopeptone ENGLISH

A product of gastric digestion, a mixture of hemipeptone and antipeptone.

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anastate ENGLISH

One of a series of substances formed, in secreting cells, by constructive or anabolic processes, in the production of protoplasm; …

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anthracene ENGLISH

A solid hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2H2.C6H4, which accompanies naphthalene in the last stages of the distillation of coal tar. Its chief use …

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antipeptone ENGLISH

A product of gastric and pancreatic digestion, differing from hemipeptone in not being decomposed by the continued action of pancreatic …

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antitoxine ENGLISH

A substance (sometimes the product of a specific micro-organism and sometimes naturally present in the blood or tissues of an …

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Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or supposed to resemble, the apple; as, apple of love, or love apple …

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arníbal - (Sp. almibar) Thin, freely-flowing molasses in the initial stage of the process of sugar-milling. 1.) inutús—the watery juice …

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