"Superstition" is a word in ENGLISH

superstition ENGLISH

Excessive nicety; scrupulous exactness.

superstition ENGLISH

An ignorant or irrational worship of the Supreme
Deity; excessive exactness or rigor in religious opinions or practice;
extreme and unnecessary scruples in the observance of religious rites
not commanded, or of points of minor importance; also, a rite or
practice proceeding from excess of sculptures in religion.

superstition ENGLISH

The worship of a false god or gods; false religion;
religious veneration for objects.

superstition ENGLISH

Belief in the direct agency of superior powers in
certain extraordinary or singular events, or in magic, omens,
prognostics, or the like.

superstition ENGLISH

An excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is
unknown or mysterious.

Few words of positivity

She had thought she knew what war was, but as their empty eyes and too-thin bodies etched themselves onto her soul, Vhalla realized she knew nothing at all. They were all boys and girls playing at war, writing their own songs the bards would sing. But the bards never sang about this. Suddenly the faces of the people she had killed came back to her. We are monsters.

Elise Kova, Earth's End

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's black and dangerous and lives in a tree?A: A gorilla with a machine gun.

De Oorrodio Habendo LAW AND LEGAL

writ for having a corody. A writ to exact a corody from a religious house. Reg. orig. 264, Fitzh. Nat …

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methodist ENGLISH

A person of strict piety; one who lives in the exact observance of religious duties; -- sometimes so called in …

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religious ENGLISH

Scrupulously faithful or exact; strict.

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