"Sungu" is a word in CEBUANO


sungu n {1} bill, beak of fowl or birds.
{2} similar struc-ture in other animals: trunk of elephants or the proboscis of mosquitoes.
{3} the whitish triangular lower structure of a grain of corn that attaches it to the cob.
{3a} by extension, the tough, somewhat transparent covering of the corn kernel.
() v [C; a12] in cockfighting, set the cocks and let them peck at each other before fighting them or determining the winner.
n action of having cocks peck at each other.
sungusúngu sa mais = sungu, n3a.
sunghan = suláhan.
see súla.

Few words of positivity

We all of us die, Miss Smallwood,' he interrupted. 'But we don't all of us make our lives count for something. How much better to die saving another soul than to stand safe on shore and do nothing while others perish?

Julie Klassen, The Tutor's Daughter

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why did god give blonde's 2 more brain cells than he gave cows?A: So they wouldn't shit all over when you played with their tits.

sunghan CEBUANO

sunghan n a very itchy k. o. scabies with tiny scales on top. see also sungu.

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