"Sululaton" is a word in HILIGAYNON

sululaton HILIGAYNON

sululáton - What is to be—, should be—,
can be—, written; a story, an event, an
incident, etc. to be set down in writing. (cf.
sulát, sululátan).

Few words of positivity

If daughters couldn't soften a man, then nothing would.

Linda Weaver Clarke, Anasazi Intrigue

Laugh your heart out.

A little girl was playing in the garden when she spied two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. "They're mating," her father replied. "What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked. "That's a daddy long legs," her father answered. "So, the other one is a mommy long legs?" the little girl asked. "No," her father replied. "Both of them are daddy long legs." The little girl thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat. "Well, we're not having any of THAT in our garden."

confer ENGLISH

To bring together for comparison; to compare.

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aristarchy ENGLISH

Severe criticism.

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travail ENGLISH

To harass; to tire.

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A fragment of any solid substance; a thick piece. See Chunk.

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dápnan - (B) See dápon—to join, etc.

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association ENGLISH

The act of associating, or state of being associated; union; connection, whether of persons of things.

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atmospheric ENGLISH

Alt. of Atmospherical

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sphene ENGLISH

A mineral found usually in thin, wedge-shaped crystals of a yellow or green to black color. It is a silicate …

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soliform ENGLISH

Like the sun in form, appearance, or nature; resembling the sun.

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nature ENGLISH

Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artifical, or forced, or remote from actual experience.

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oblivious ENGLISH

Evincing oblivion; forgetful.

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corroborate ENGLISH

To make strong, or to give additional strength to; to strengthen.

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chevisance ENGLISH

Achievement; deed; performance.

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hollow ENGLISH

To make hollow, as by digging, cutting, or engraving; to excavate.

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respectful ENGLISH

Marked or characterized by respect; as, respectful deportment.

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piánsa - (Sp. fianza) Surety, bail, bond, guarantee, security. Mangítà ka sing piánsa. Find bail. (cf. kalig-onán).

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