"Sultip" is a word in ILOKANO

sultip ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to whistle. /MANG-:-AN/ to whistle at, to call by whistling.

Few words of positivity

Only people who're positive enough to have friends have enemies. When you're as glum and morose as he was, people just give up and go away.

Ellis Peters, A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What is the difference between a trombone and a trumpet?A: A trombone will bend before it breaks.

balikwaut CEBUANO

balikwaut a lacking in grace, balance, euphony. Balikwaut pam-ináwun ang litiral kaáyung pagkahúbad, A literal translation lacks euphony. v [B6; …

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budyung CEBUANO

budyung n {1} helmet shells, conchs, or any large univalve with a pointed caudal apex. {2} horn for signaling made …

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hadiyung CEBUANO

hadiyung n whizzing, whistling, buzzing sound. v [A; b2cP] whistle or whiz by. Hángin nga naghadiyung, Whistling wind. Naghadiyung ang …

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hagiyung CEBUANO

hagiyung, hagíyung n whizzing, whistling, buzzing sound. v [A] make such a sound.

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hagiyus CEBUANO

hagíyus n a whistling, sibilant, swishing sound produced by a rapidly moving object. Ang hagíyus sa bála, The whizzing of …

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hulding CEBUANO

hulding a holding in volleyball. Hulding kaáyu siyang mutús sa búla, He holds a lot when he hits the ball. …

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karatil CEBUANO

karatil v [A; b3c] move away from s.w. fast and suddenly. Pagsirbátu sa pulis nikaratil ug panágan ang mga nanaghantak, …

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kurpiyu CEBUANO

kurpiyu n {1} curfew. {1a} the whistle at curfew time. {2} sexual intercourse (humorous usage). Kapila ang kurpiyu ninyu gabíi? …

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láki maáyung have exceptional ability. Maáyung láki si Maríya sa ininglis, Maria has exceptional ability in English. ka- n {1} …

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pásu v {1} [A; c1] walk slowly and deliberately. Mipásu siyag lakaw kay dihay natúlug, He walked slowly because there …

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pítu n {1} whistle. {2} whistling sound. v [A; b6(1)] blow a whistle, usually as a signal. Mipítu ang barku …

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sagawisiw ILOKANO

n. whistle. v. /AG-/ to whistle. /MANG-:-AN/ to whistle at.

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silbato ILOKANO

n. whistle. v. /-UM-, MANG-:-AN/ to whistle at with a whistle.

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sirbatu CEBUANO

sirbátu n {1} whistle producing a high shrill noise. {2} horn on a vehicle. {3} notification, word of intimation for …

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taghuy CEBUANO

taghuy v [AN; ac] whistle, whistle at s. o. Taghúya ang túnu ánang kantáha, Whistle the tune of that song. …

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tihul v [AN; a2] whistle. Tihula kunu ang túnu ánang kantáha, Whistle the tune of that song. Tihuli ang irù …

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whistling ENGLISH

a. & n. from Whistle, v.

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