"Sulphuric" is a word in ENGLISH

sulphuric ENGLISH

Derived from, or containing, sulphur; specifically,
designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence
as contrasted with the sulphurous compounds; as, sulphuric acid.

sulphuric ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to sulphur; as, a sulphuric smell.

Few words of positivity

There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.

Conrad Hall

Laugh your heart out.

How do spacemen pass the time on long trips ?They play astronauts and crosses !

arsenic ENGLISH

One of the elements, a solid substance resembling a metal in its physical properties, but in its chemical relations ranking …

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catalysis ENGLISH

A process by which reaction occurs in the presence of certain agents which were formerly believed to exert an influence …

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dissociation ENGLISH

The process by which a compound body breaks up into simpler constituents; -- said particularly of the action of heat …

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disulphide ENGLISH

A binary compound of sulphur containing two atoms of sulphur in each molecule; -- formerly called disulphuret. Cf. Bisulphide.

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ethylene ENGLISH

A colorless, gaseous hydrocarbon, C2H4, forming an important ingredient of illuminating gas, and also obtained by the action of concentrated …

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hyposulphuric ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or containing, sulphur in a lower state of oxidation than in the sulphuric compounds; as, hyposulphuric acid.

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A suffix, denoting that the element indicated enters into certain compounds with its highest valence, or with a valence relatively …

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kerite ENGLISH

A compound in which tar or asphaltum combined with animal or vegetable oils is vulcanized by sulphur, the product closely …

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mercaptan ENGLISH

Any one of series of compounds, hydrosulphides of alcohol radicals, in composition resembling the alcohols, but containing sulphur in place …

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mercaptide ENGLISH

A compound of mercaptan formed by replacing its sulphur hydrogen by a metal; as, potassium mercaptide, C2H5SK.

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metalloid ENGLISH

Now, one of several elementary substances which in the free state are unlike metals, and whose compounds possess or produce …

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mixture ENGLISH

A mass of two or more ingredients, the particles of which are separable, independent, and uncompounded with each other, no …

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nitrosyl ENGLISH

the radical NO, called also the nitroso group. The term is sometimes loosely used to designate certain nitro compounds; as, …

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normal ENGLISH

Denoting certain hypothetical compounds, as acids from which the real acids are obtained by dehydration; thus, normal sulphuric acid and …

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organogen ENGLISH

A name given to any one of the four elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, which are especially characteristic ingredients …

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oxysulphide ENGLISH

A ternary compound of oxygen and sulphur.

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persulphide ENGLISH

A sulphide containing more sulphur than some other compound of the same elements; as, iron pyrites is a persulphide; -- …

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The neutral compound formed by the union of an acid and a base; thus, sulphuric acid and iron form the …

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selenium ENGLISH

A nonmetallic element of the sulphur group, and analogous to sulphur in its compounds. It is found in small quantities …

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subsulphide ENGLISH

A nonacid compound consisting of one equivalent of sulphur and more than one equivalent of some other body, as a …

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