"Sukam-Ag" is a word in CEBUANO

sukam-ag CEBUANO

sukam-ag v [B1236; b8] walk or fall forward onto.
Nasukam-ag ku níya kay napandul ag ákung tiil sa batu, I fell forward onto him because my foot tripped on a stone.
Mau ning siyáha ákung nasukam-ágan sa ngitngit gabíi, This is the chair I bumped into last night in the dark.

Few words of positivity

[A]nd the wizened youth trembles more and more violently, wrinkles his nose and then pounces on the story. But only I know the story, the real story. And it is simple and cruel and true and it should make us laugh, it should make us die laughing. But we only know how to cry, the only thing we do wholeheartedly is cry.

Roberto Bolaño, By Night in Chile

Laugh your heart out.

What did they do to the burger who thought he was a rooster?Cook-a-doodle-do!


kátay v {1} [AN; b(1)] for plants to creep or climb onto s.t. Nakakátay na ang kamúti sa tibuuk baul, …

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