"Sugilanon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

sugilanon HILIGAYNON

sugilánon - (H) Conversation, talk, chat;
to chat, have a conversation, talk to each
other. Nakakitaáy kamí ni Fuláno, ápang
walâ kamí magsugilanonáy. N.N. and
myself saw each other, but we did not talk
to each other. Anó na man ang íla
ginasugilánon dirâ? What are they talking
about there again? Ang buút náton
pagasugilanónan karón amó ang bág-o
nga pagbulút-an——. What we wish to talk
over amongst ourselves is the new law——.
(cf. hambárò, hambalánon, odóyódoy).

Few words of positivity

Evolution is true, but does that make it right?

Alan Chains, Return to Island X

Laugh your heart out.

Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime. The police dispatcher broadcast the call and a K-9 unit patrolling nearby was the first to respond.As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps.Putting her face in her hands, she moaned: "I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman!"


alád-ad - To chat and laugh immoderately, to tell stories, or let out secrets, with much laughing and joking. Anó …

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buluraón - Gossip, chat, idle talk; to gossip, etc. (cf. búrà, bura-án).

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Light, familiar talk; conversation; gossip.

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To talk in a light and familiar manner; to converse without form or ceremony; to gossip.

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confabulate ENGLISH

To talk familiarly together; to chat; to prattle.

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gossip ENGLISH

To prate; to chat; to talk much.

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halambalanon HILIGAYNON

halambalánon - (H) Chat, talk, conversation. (cf. hámbal; halambálon, hambárò, sugilánon).

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halungkatay HILIGAYNON

halungkátay - To continue without a break or interruption; to draw out or prolong a conversation, talk long, have a …

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hambalanon HILIGAYNON

hambalánon - Talk, chat, converse, conversation, interlocution, collocution, confabulation, discourse, dialogue, parley, palaver. (cf. halambalánon, sugilánon, hambárò).

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hambárò - Talk, conversation, chat, gossip; to have a conversation, etc. (cf. sugilánon, hambalánon).

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kahambugan HILIGAYNON

kahambugán - Idle talk, gossip, useless chatting, boasting, bragging. (cf. hámbug).

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kásà v {1} [A; c16] produce a crackling, rustling sound. Nagkásà ang mga ilagà sa táas sa atup, The rats …

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odoy-odoy HILIGAYNON

odóy-ódoy - (B) To converse, chat, confabulate, confab, chin, talk familiarly as intimate friends. Walâ na silá paginodóyódoy. They are …

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sulti v {1} [A1; c] tell, speak. Way láin nga makagsulti báhin níya kun dílì ang amahan, No one can …

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tabì v [AN; c6] gossip, spread secrets. Ayaw siya suginli kay mutabì (manabì) dáyun, Dont tell her because she gives …

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tattle ENGLISH

Idle talk or chat; trifling talk; prate.

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tattle ENGLISH

To prate; to talk idly; to use many words with little meaning; to chat.

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tattlery ENGLISH

Idle talk or chat; tittle-tattle.

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urugílon - (B) Talk, conversation, chat; to say, speak, tell, converse. (cf. súgid, sugilánon, hambárò).

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