"Suggil" is a word in ENGLISH

suggil ENGLISH

To defame.

Few words of positivity

I think that to acknowledge a new generation is to acknowledge some degree of obsolescence in yourself, and that is very hard to do and often comes with undeniable anger.

Douglas Coupland

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Can anyone tell me how many seconds there are in a year?Pupil: 12 - 2nd January, 2nd February...!

blacken ENGLISH

To defame; to sully, as reputation; to make infamous; as, vice blackens the character.

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blemish ENGLISH

To tarnish, as reputation or character; to defame.

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Defamation; slander; false accusation of a crime or offense. See Cal-UMNIA

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defamation ENGLISH

Act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication, written or oral; the wrong of maliciously injuring the good name …

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Defamation LAW AND LEGAL

The taking from one's reputation. The offense of injuring a per* son’s character, fame, or reputation by false and malicious …

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defamatory ENGLISH

Containing defamation; injurious to reputation; calumnious; slanderous; as, defamatory words; defamatory writings.

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defame ENGLISH

To charge; to accuse.

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defame ENGLISH

To render infamous; to bring into disrepute.

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defame ENGLISH

To harm or destroy the good fame or reputation of; to disgrace; especially, to speak evil of maliciously; to dishonor …

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defamer ENGLISH

One who defames; a slanderer; a detractor; a calumniator.

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L. Fr. Infamous. Britt c

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defamingly ENGLISH

In a defamatory manner.

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denigrate ENGLISH

Fig.: To blacken or sully; to defame.

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denigration ENGLISH

Fig.: A blackening; defamation.

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To defame; vilify; exhibit contempt for. In England it ls a criminal of-fense to ’’deprave” the Lord’s supper or the …

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detracor ENGLISH

One who detracts; a derogator; a defamer.

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