"Sud-Ong, Sud-Ung" is a word in HILIGAYNON

sud-ong, sud-ung HILIGAYNON

súd-ong, súd-ung - To approach, come
near; to help, give shelter or protection. (cf.
palapít, búlig, tábang).

Few words of positivity

Be thankful that you have clothes to wear, food to eat and a place to sleep.

Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

Laugh your heart out.

Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich ?Because the poor didn't have any !

panivorous ENGLISH

Eating bread; subsisting on bread.

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Lat Going, remaining, and returning. A person who is privileged from arrest (as a witness, legislator, etc.) is generally so …

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jetteau ENGLISH
duodecimal ENGLISH

A twelfth part; as, the duodecimals of an inch.

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pagdaka TAGALOG

pagdaka Definition: (conj) immediately; quickly 2 Definition: (var) PAGKARAKA

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al-al n childish in action, particularly in speech and articu-lation. Kadakù na nímu. Al-al gihápun kang musulti, How big you …

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quittable ENGLISH

Capable of being quitted.

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nicknackery ENGLISH

See Knickknackery.

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tisirt CEBUANO

tísirt n a sport shirt that slips over the head: T-shirt, polo shirt. v [A1; b6] wear a T-shirt.

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lookout ENGLISH

A careful looking or watching for any object or event.

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nuwebe TAGALOG

nuwebe Definition: (noun) nine Notes: Spanish

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scaphocerite ENGLISH

A flattened plate or scale attached to the second joint of the antennae of many Crustacea.

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snakewood ENGLISH

An East Indian climbing plant (Strychnos colubrina) having a bitter taste, and supposed to be a remedy for the bite …

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gamogenetic ENGLISH

Relating to gamogenesis.

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disobedient ENGLISH

Neglecting or refusing to obey; omitting to do what is commanded, or doing what is prohibited; refractory; not observant of …

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tumidity ENGLISH

The quality or state of being tumid.

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kanô - To be or sound hollow, empty, loose, shrivelled, shrunk, said of the contents of bottles, tins, nuts, shells, …

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eugenics ENGLISH

The science of improving stock, whether human or animal.

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burggrave ENGLISH

Originally, one appointed to the command of a burg (fortress or castle); but the title afterward became hereditary, with a …

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