"Subterrestrial" is a word in ENGLISH

subterrestrial ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

I think 'Game of Thrones' was extraordinary. I want to do some period pieces. It would be lovely to tell great stories, that is my main ambition. And to be working with amazing creators.

Stana Katic

Laugh your heart out.

How can you tell if a bee is on the phone? You get a buzzy signal.


A vault wholly or partly under ground; especially, a vault under a church, whether used for burial purposes or for …

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A passage driven or cut between shaft and shaft; a driftway; a small subterranean gallery; an adit or tunnel.

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earthquake ENGLISH

A shaking, trembling, or concussion of the earth, due to subterranean causes, often accompanied by a rumbling noise. The wave …

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hypogeum ENGLISH

The subterraneous portion of a building, as in amphitheaters, for the service of the games; also, subterranean galleries, as the …

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mattamore ENGLISH

A subterranean repository for wheat.

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A subterranean cavity or passage

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phreatic ENGLISH

Subterranean; -- applied to sources supplying wells.

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plutonic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Pluto; Plutonian; hence, pertaining to the interior of the earth; subterranean.

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sauba ant ENGLISH

A South American ant (Oecodoma cephalotes) remarkable for having two large kinds of workers besides the ordinary ones, and for …

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A peduncle rising from the ground or from a subterranean stem, as in the stemless violets, the bloodroot, and the …

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That part of a plant which bears leaves, or rudiments of leaves, whether rising above ground or wholly subterranean.

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subterranean ENGLISH

Alt. of Subterraneous

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subterraneous ENGLISH

Being or lying under the surface of the earth; situated within the earth, or under ground; as, subterranean springs; a …

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subterrany ENGLISH

A subterranean place.

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truffle ENGLISH

Any one of several kinds of roundish, subterranean fungi, usually of a blackish color. The French truffle (Tuber melanosporum) and …

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underconduct ENGLISH

A lower conduit; a subterranean conduit.

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undercroft ENGLISH

A subterranean room of any kind; esp., one under a church (see Crypt), or one used as a chapel or …

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underground ENGLISH

The place or space beneath the surface of the ground; subterranean space.

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