"Subsidized" is a word in ENGLISH

subsidized ENGLISH

of Subsidize

Few words of positivity

She had been a teenager once, and she knew that, despite the apparent contradictions, a person's teenage years lasted well into their fifties.

Derek Landy, Mortal Coil

Laugh your heart out.

What European capital has the most ghosts? Boodapest!


To diminish in strength; to abate; to subside.

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assuage ENGLISH

To abate or subside.

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catastrophe ENGLISH

A violent and widely extended change in the surface of the earth, as, an elevation or subsidence of some part …

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convalescency ENGLISH

The recovery of heath and strength after disease; the state of a body renewing its vigor after sickness or weakness; …

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defervescency ENGLISH

A subsiding from a state of ebullition; loss of heat; lukewarmness.

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defervescency ENGLISH

The subsidence of a febrile process; as, the stage of defervescence in pneumonia.

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detumescence ENGLISH

Diminution of swelling; subsidence of anything swollen.

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adj. 1. without any content or substance: said especially of rice grains and the like. 2. empty, such as words. …

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To cease to be active or strong; to die away; to lose strength; to subside; to become less intense; as, …

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fecula ENGLISH

Any pulverulent matter obtained from plants by simply breaking down the texture, washing with water, and subsidence.

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geosynclinal ENGLISH

the downward bend or subsidence of the earth's crust, which allows of the gradual accumulation of sediment, and hence forms …

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hánhan - To set, settle down, subside, become adjusted, applied especially to food. Naghánhan or nahánhan na ang íya kináon. …

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híyus v {1} [A; b4] for air to leak out. Dì makahíyus ang hángin kay maáyug balbula, The air cant …

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huphup CEBUANO

huphup v [A2; b6] subside, sink down to a lower level. Ug muhuphup na ang túbig sa linung-ag hináyi ang …

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intermission ENGLISH

The temporary cessation or subsidence of a fever; the space of time between the paroxysms of a disease. Intermission is …

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kánay - To grow less, lessen, abate, relax, calm, grow calm, subside (said of wind, waves, passions, etc.). Ang mga …

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kutat v [B; b4] abate, for a flow to weaken. Salámat kay miku-tat na ang bagyu, Thank heavens, the wind …

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To become gradually calm; to subside; to cease or abate for a time; as, the storm lulls.

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lúnaw - To grow weak, deteriorate, grow stale, become less strong, weaken, subside, wane, fail. Naglúnaw ang íya paghigúgma, kaákig, …

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lunay v [B2] for pain or illness to subside. Mulunay ang suul sa tiyan ug tambálan, The stomach ache will …

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