"Subsemitone" is a word in ENGLISH

subsemitone ENGLISH

The sensible or leading note, or sharp seventh, of any
key; subtonic.

Few words of positivity

Childhood introduces children to the wounds of the world.

Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Laugh your heart out.

God created the donkey & said to him : " You will work unceasingly from sunrise to sunset carrying burdens on your back. You will eat grass, you will have no intelligence & you will live 50 years.You will be a donkey. " The donkey answered: " I will be a donkey, but to live 50 years is too much. Give me only 20 years. God granted his wish. God created the dog and said to him: "You will be a dog. " You will guard the house of man. You will be his best friend. You will eat the scraps that he gives you and you will live 25 years. You will be a dog. " The dog answered: " Sir, to live 25 years is too much, you give me only 10 years. God granted his wish. God created the Monkey and said to him: " You will be a monkey. " You will swing from branch to branch doing tricks. You will be amusing and you will live 20 years. You will be a monkey. " The monkey answered: " Sir, to live 20 years is too much , you give me only 10 years. God granted his wish. Finally God created the man and said to him: " You will be a man, the only rational creature on the face of the earth. " You will use your intelligence to become master over all animals. You will dominate the world and you will live 20 years. Man responded: " Sir, I will be a man but to live only 20 years is very little, give the 30 years that the donkey refused, the 15 years that the dog did not want and the 10 years the monkey refused. God granted his wish. And since then, man lives 20 years as a man, he marries and spend 30 years like a donkey, working and carrying all the burdens on his back. Then when his children are gone, he lives 15 years like a dog, taking care of the house and eating whatever is given to him, so that when he is old, he can retire and live 10 years like a monkey, going from house to house, from one son or daughter to another, doing tricks to amuse his grandchildren.

abirritate ENGLISH

To diminish the sensibility of; to debilitate.

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Having nice or quick sensibility; susceptible to slight impressions; acting keenly on the senses; sharp; keen; intense; as, a man …

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alterative ENGLISH

A medicine or treatment which gradually induces a change, and restores healthy functions without sensible evacuations.

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altitude ENGLISH

The elevation of a point, or star, or other celestial object, above the horizon, measured by the arc of a …

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analgesia ENGLISH

Absence of sensibility to pain.

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appreciate ENGLISH

To be sensible of; to distinguish.

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apprehensive ENGLISH

Sensible; feeling; perceptive.

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To spring up; to come into action, being, or notice; to become operative, sensible, or visible; to begin to act …

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benthamism ENGLISH

That phase of the doctrine of utilitarianism taught by Jeremy Bentham; the doctrine that the morality of actions is estimated …

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benumb ENGLISH

To make torpid; to deprive of sensation or sensibility; to stupefy; as, a hand or foot benumbed by cold.

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Having the sensibilities deadened by excess or frequency of enjoyment; sated or surfeited with pleasure; used up.

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coenesthesis ENGLISH

Common sensation or general sensibility, as distinguished from the special sensations which are located in, or ascribed to, separate organs, …

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cold-blooded ENGLISH

Deficient in sensibility or feeling; hard-hearted.

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conscious ENGLISH

Possessing knowledge, whether by internal, conscious experience or by external observation; cognizant; aware; sensible.

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To wound or hurt deeply the sensibilities of; to pierce; to lacerate; as, sarcasm cuts to the quick.

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diaphemetric ENGLISH

Relating to the measurement of the tactile sensibility of parts; as, diaphemetric compasses.

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disgust ENGLISH

Repugnance to what is offensive; aversion or displeasure produced by something loathsome; loathing; strong distaste; -- said primarily of the …

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doubly ENGLISH

In twice the quantity; to twice the degree; as, doubly wise or good; to be doubly sensible of an obligation.

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ecstasy ENGLISH

A state which consists in total suspension of sensibility, of voluntary motion, and largely of mental power. The body is …

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ecstasy ENGLISH

The state of being beside one's self or rapt out of one's self; a state in which the mind is …

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