"Subordinary" is a word in ENGLISH

subordinary ENGLISH

One of several heraldic bearings somewhat less common
than an ordinary. See Ordinary.

Few words of positivity

I hear you're quite the writer. Quite the teacher's pet.""I... I don't know what you mean.""No? The maybe you're in for a surprise. A maybe it won't be a nice one."Kate heard her voice lashing out, braver than she felt."I don't know what you're talking about. But nothing that pertains to me is any of your business.'The match hissed again. She saw his black, black eyes flickering."You're right. How inconsiderate of me."Shaken, Kate willed her feet to move her forward."You should be more careful," Pearce said. "Anyone could find your key. Anyone could get into your cabin."Kate whirled to face him. "I have a roommate. I'm not alone.""A roommate?" And he sounded like he was smiling... a dark strange smile as if she'd said something particularly funny. "If someone wanted to get you," Pearce said slowly, and another match went out, "a roommate wouldn't stop them. They'd just get you. Wouldn't they?

Richie Tankersley Cusick, Teacher's Pet

Laugh your heart out.

Why won't a witch wear a flat cap? Because there's no point in it.


-a() {1} a? x added to nouns forming words which refer to a specific one of several: Kanang isdáa, dílì …

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abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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Accumulative LAW AND LEGAL

That which accu-mulates, or is heaped up; additional. Sald of several thlngs heaped together, or of one thing added to …

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To join or unite, as one thing to another, or as several particulars, so as to increase the number, augment …

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adventist ENGLISH

One of a religious body, embracing several branches, who look for the proximate personal coming of Christ; -- called also …

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aggregate ENGLISH

Composed of several florets within a common involucre, as in the daisy; or of several carpels formed from one flower, …

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albicore ENGLISH

A name applied to several large fishes of the Mackerel family, esp. Orcynus alalonga. One species (Orcynus thynnus), common in …

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alkali ENGLISH

One of a class of caustic bases, such as soda, potash, ammonia, and lithia, whose distinguishing peculiarities are solubility in …

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alouatte ENGLISH

One of the several species of howling monkeys of South America. See Howler, 2.

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alternative ENGLISH

A choice between more than two things; one of several things offered to choose among.

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ángay ought to. Ángay kang magtuun arun makapasar ka, You ought to study if you want to pass. Dì nà …

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ant-eater ENGLISH

One of several species of edentates and monotremes that feed upon ants. See Ant-bear, Pangolin, Aard-vark, and Echidna.

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ant thrush ENGLISH

One of several species of tropical birds, of the Old World, of the genus Pitta, somewhat resembling the thrushes, and …

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appropriation ENGLISH

The application of payment of money by a debtor to his creditor, to one of several debts which are due …

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armadillo ENGLISH

Any edentate animal if the family Dasypidae, peculiar to America. The body and head are incased in an armor composed …

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A separate and dlstlnct part of an instrument or writing comprising two oi more particulars; one of several things presented …

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A term used in Scotch, law in cases where there is more than the debt due to the adjudging creditor, …

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One of several species of poplar bearing this name, especially the Populus tremula, so called from the trembling of its …

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ásud v {1} [A2C; ac] for two or more people to pound cereal in mortar together and in synchronization. Asúra …

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average ENGLISH

A contribution to a loss or charge which has been imposed upon one of several for the general benefit; damage …

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