"Submarshal" is a word in ENGLISH

submarshal ENGLISH

An under or deputy marshal.

Few words of positivity

I have very little experience with dating websites. My feeling toward dating websites is what most people's is: If it works, great. If you're serious and legitimate about it and know what you're looking for, then from what I hear, it's definitely effective.

Nev Schulman

Laugh your heart out.

When a knight in armour was killed in battle, what sign did they put on his grave ?Rust in peace !


One who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him; one intrusted with the business of …

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amphictyons ENGLISH

Deputies from the confederated states of ancient Greece to a congress or council. They considered both political and religious matters.

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apocrisiarius ENGLISH

A delegate or deputy; especially, the pope's nuncio or legate at Constantinople.

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bailiff ENGLISH

A sheriff's deputy, appointed to make arrests, collect fines, summon juries, etc.

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A local term in the north of England, for the associate or deputy of another ; also of things used …

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In old French law. -A list of grievances prepared for deputies in the states-general. A petition for the redress of …

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LL. A name formerly given to a sheriff's deputy, or to a constable, or other officer whose duty it is …

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chamber ENGLISH

A legislative or judicial body; an assembly; a society or association; as, the Chamber of Deputies; the Chamber of Commerce.

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A room or apartment ln a house. A private repository of money; a treasury. Sometimes used to designate a court, …

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congress ENGLISH

A formal assembly, as of princes, deputies, representatives, envoys, or commissioners; esp., a meeting of the representatives of several governments …

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A court of special jurisdiction, held before the chancellor of the duchy or his deputy, concerning ali matters of equity …

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delegate ENGLISH

Any one sent and empowered to act for another; one deputed to represent; a chosen deputy; a representative; a commissioner; …

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deputable ENGLISH

Fit to be deputed; suitable to act as a deputy.

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deputation ENGLISH

The act of deputing, or of appointing or commissioning a deputy or representative; office of a deputy or delegate; vicegerency.

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depute ENGLISH

To appoint as deputy or agent; to commission to act in one's place; to delegate.

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depute ENGLISH

A person deputed; a deputy.

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deputize ENGLISH

To appoint as one's deputy; to empower to act in one's stead; to depute.

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To appoint a deputy; to ap-point or commission one to act as deputy to an officer. In a general sense, …

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deputy ENGLISH

One appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him, in his name or his behalf; a …

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