"Subarachnoid" is a word in ENGLISH

subarachnoid ENGLISH

Alt. of Subarachnoidal

Few words of positivity

Old age is not as honorable as death, but most people seek it.

David Gemmell, Fall of Kings

Laugh your heart out.

A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane. Helped by a flight attendant, he finally managed tostuff it in the overhead bin. "Do you always carry such heavy luggage?" she sighed."No more," the man said. "Next time, I'm riding in the bag, and my partner can buy the ticket!"

manubrial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a manubrium; shaped like a manubrium; handlelike.

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intrude ENGLISH

The cause to enter or force a way, as into the crevices of rocks.

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bridle ENGLISH

A restraint; a curb; a check.

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mais n {1} maize, the corn plant or any part of it. {1a} bugas corn grits. Mahal na ang prisyu …

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Forms marked with a dagger have already been entered in the main portion of the dictionary, and what is listed …

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remand ENGLISH

The act of remanding; the order for recommitment.

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abature ENGLISH

Grass and sprigs beaten or trampled down by a stag passing through them.

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rhamadan ENGLISH
conjunctival ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the conjunctiva.

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unisexual ENGLISH

Having one sex only, as plants which have the male and female flowers on separate individuals, or animals in which …

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aphorist ENGLISH

A writer or utterer of aphorisms.

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trochilus ENGLISH

Any one of several species of wrens and kinglets.

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laín - Different, not the same, altered, changed; to become different, to alter, vary, change. Naglaín na ang duág sang …

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To furnish with a bed or bedding.

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portpane ENGLISH

A cloth for carrying bread, so as not to touch it with the hands.

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In the civil law. The name of a kind of response or sentence given by tbe Roman emperors

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Violent or rapid motion; a rushing onward or away; esp., a forced or hurried dispatch of business.

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inaniloquent ENGLISH

Alt. of Inaniloquous

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To smear with the white of an egg.

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