"Subaerial" is a word in ENGLISH

subaerial ENGLISH

Beneath the sky; in the open air; specifically (Geol.),
taking place on the earth's surface, as opposed to subaqueous.

Few words of positivity

I can catch demons but people cry when I do that. And then I'm blamed for trying to control them. How convenient that the excuse of someone trapped in hell is that I'm manipulating her into getting out of it. That's how they see help, as an attack that must be defended at all cost. They can't see that their soul is in the hands of Satan already. He is the one instigating their fears and anger, as if they were just a puppet. They can't see that I pay a very heavy emotional, mental and physical price, every time I try to rescue one of the trapped souls, every time I love someone that doesn't know what love is anymore.

Robin Sacredfire

Laugh your heart out.

What do mice do when they're at home ? Mousework !

butikug CEBUANO

butíkug = buríring.

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gushing ENGLISH

Rushing forth with violence, as a fluid; flowing copiously; as, gushing waters.

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diprinsiya CEBUANO

diprinsiya = dipirinsiya.

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multispiral ENGLISH

Having numerous spiral coils round a center or nucleus; -- said of the opercula of certain shells.

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sarten TAGALOG

sarten Definition: (noun) frying pan; tin cup for drinking Notes: Spanish

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súpla - (Probably from the Sp. suplir) To excuse, overlook, pass over, let pass. Often used in games in the …

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intermine ENGLISH

To intersect or penetrate with mines.

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multivalve ENGLISH

Any mollusk which has a shell composed of more than two pieces.

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key-cold ENGLISH

Cold as a metallic key; lifeless.

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The act of rinsing.

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snakewood ENGLISH

A tropical American shrub (Plumieria rubra) which has very fragrant red blossoms.

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criosphinx ENGLISH

A sphinx with the head of a ram.

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barrack ENGLISH

A building for soldiers, especially when in garrison. Commonly in the pl., originally meaning temporary huts, but now usually applied …

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semirecondite ENGLISH

Half hidden or half covered; said of the head of an insect when half covered by the shield of the …

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To raise, or defray, by a proportional assesment; as, to club the expense.

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semento ILOKANO

var. of SAMIENTO. SENADOR [f. Sp.], n. senator.

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dahili CEBUANO

dahilì n k. o. dwarf coconut, not more than 10 tall, with thin-husked nuts the size of a grapefruit. humay …

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intranssient ENGLISH

Not transient; remaining; permanent.

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mapanhatagon HILIGAYNON

mapanhatágon - See mapanghatágon.

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