"Strophiolate" is a word in ENGLISH

strophiolate ENGLISH

Alt. of Strophiolated

Few words of positivity

Can anything be sadder than work unfinished? Yes work never begun.

Christina Rossetti

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the women cross the road? Well thats not the point what is she doing out of the kitchen?!!!

reticulated ENGLISH

Resembling network; having the form or appearance of a net; netted; as, a reticulated structure.

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breathing ENGLISH

Breathing place; vent.

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lucrific ENGLISH

Producing profit; gainful.

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tabunun CEBUANO

tabúnun a brown-skinned. n the brown race. Si Risal garbu sa yútang tabúnun, Rizal is the pride of the land …

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commute ENGLISH

To exchange; to put or substitute something else in place of, as a smaller penalty, obligation, or payment, for a …

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trumpery ENGLISH

Something serving to deceive by false show or pretense; falsehood; deceit; worthless but showy matter; hence, things worn out and …

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igat Definition: (noun) eel

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residuum ENGLISH

That which is left after any process of separation or purification; that which remains after certain specified deductions are made; …

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vellum ENGLISH

A fine kind of parchment, usually made from calfskin, and rendered clear and white, -- used as for writing upon, …

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Variegated with spots of different colors; party-colored; spotted; piebald.

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water mouse ENGLISH

Any one of several species of mice belonging to the genus Hydromys, native of Australia and Tasmania. Their hind legs …

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achromatism ENGLISH

The state or quality of being achromatic; as, the achromatism of a lens; achromaticity.

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catalectic ENGLISH

Wanting a syllable at the end, or terminating in an imperfect foot; as, a catalectic verse.

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antinomy ENGLISH

A contradiction or incompatibility of thought or language; -- in the Kantian philosophy, such a contradiction as arises from the …

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A concord of understand-ing and Intention, between two or more par-ties, with respect to the effect upon their relative rights …

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n. stand, support; perch. v. /AG-:-AN/ to step on for support or in order to raise oneself; to perch on. …

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barbarism ENGLISH

An offense against purity of style or language; any form of speech contrary to the pure idioms of a particular …

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ghetto ENGLISH

The Jews'quarter in an Italian town or city.

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unchain ENGLISH

To free from chains or slavery; to let loose.

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