"Strontic" is a word in ENGLISH

strontic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to strontium; containing, or designating
the compounds of, strontium.

Few words of positivity

The sole philosophy open to those who doubt the possibility of truth is absolute silence -- even mental.

Jacques Maritain, An Introduction to Philosophy

Laugh your heart out.

Criminal: Why don't you hire these twins for the robbery, boss?Criminal Boss: I'm afraid of a double-cross.

celestite ENGLISH

Native strontium sulphate, a mineral so named from its occasional delicate blue color. It occurs crystallized, also in compact massive …

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isomorphism ENGLISH

A similarity of crystalline form between substances of similar composition, as between the sulphates of barium (BaSO4) and strontium (SrSO4). …

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strontia ENGLISH

An earth of a white color resembling lime in appearance, and baryta in many of its properties. It is an …

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strontianite ENGLISH

Strontium carbonate, a mineral of a white, greenish, or yellowish color, usually occurring in fibrous massive forms, but sometimes in …

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strontium ENGLISH

A metallic element of the calcium group, always naturally occurring combined, as in the minerals strontianite, celestite, etc. It is …

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strontium ENGLISH

A radioactive isotope of strontium produced by certain nuclear reactions, and constituting one of the prominent harmful components of radioactive …

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