"Stereometric" is a word in ENGLISH

stereometric ENGLISH

Alt. of Stereometrical

Few words of positivity

One of the parrots was very friendly with...Master of the Robes. He used to feed it nuts. As it nibbled from his fingers, he used to stroke its head, at which the bird appeared to enter a state of ecstasy. I very much wanted this kind of friendliness and several times tried to get a similar response, but to no avail. So I took a stick to punish it. Of course, thereafter it fled at the sight of me. This was a very good lesson in how to make friends: not by force but by compassion.

Dalai Lama XIV, Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama

Laugh your heart out.

What do you calll a woman that people sit on ?Cher !

expounder ENGLISH

One who expounds or explains; an interpreter.

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herbal ENGLISH

A book containing the names and descriptions of plants.

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silab n blade, the sharpened edge of a cutting tool. v [A; a] put a blade on, make into a …

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dexter ENGLISH

On the right-hand side of a shield, i. e., towards the right hand of its wearer. To a spectator in …

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panopticon ENGLISH

A prison so contructed that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times, without being seen.

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suup v [A23N; b6N] look and hear covertly to gather informa-tion. Hadluk ka nga musuup (manuup) sa ímung asáwa, Youre …

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hanyag CEBUANO

hanyag v [A; c] o? er s.t. for s. o. s consideration. Naghanyag siya nákug yútà, He o? ered to …

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sumálang - To meet, encounter, come upon, fall in with. Nasumálang ko si Fuláno. I met N.N. Masumalángan ta riá …

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pianist ENGLISH

A performer, esp. a skilled performer, on the piano.

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To cut grass, etc., with a scythe, or with a machine; to cut grass for hay.

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gakus v [AC; ab2] hug, embrace. Tiggakus siyag alungnag matúlug, He usually embraces a pillow when he sleeps. Ang duha …

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acquitter ENGLISH

One who acquits or releases.

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apennine ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or designating, the Apennines, a chain of mountains extending through Italy.

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consistent ENGLISH

Living or acting in conformity with one's belief or professions.

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consolable ENGLISH

Capable of receiving consolation.

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illiberally ENGLISH

In a illiberal manner, ungenerously; uncharitably; parsimoniously.

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determine ENGLISH

To fix the form or character of; to shape; to prescribe imperatively; to regulate; to settle.

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gallinacean ENGLISH

One of the Gallinae or gallinaceous birds.

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wishful ENGLISH

Desirable; exciting wishes.

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