"Steinbock" is a word in ENGLISH

steinbock ENGLISH

The European ibex.

steinbock ENGLISH

A small South African antelope (Nanotragus tragulus)
which frequents dry, rocky districts; -- called also steenbok.

Few words of positivity

A woman who goes around wearing a knife is obviously looking for trouble." She reached deep into her pocket and brought out a long, slender piece of metal, glittering all along one edge. "However a woman who carries a knife is ready for trouble. Generally speaking, it's easier to appear harmless. It's less trouble all around.

Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

Laugh your heart out.

What do lawyers do after they die?They lie still.

aber-de-vine ENGLISH

The European siskin (Carduelis spinus), a small green and yellow finch, related to the goldfinch.

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accentor ENGLISH

A genus of European birds (so named from their sweet notes), including the hedge warbler. In America sometimes applied to …

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A small venomous serpent of the genus Vipera. The common European adder is the Vipera (/ Pelias) berus. The puff …

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In European law. An officer who presided over the admiralitas, or collegium ammiralitatis. Locc. de Jur. Mar. lib. 2, c. …

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Admissionalis LAW AND LEGAL

In European lnw. An usher. Spelman

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In old European law. To undertake, declare, or promise solemnly; to pledge; to pledge one’s self to mnke oath. Spelman

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africander ENGLISH

One born in Africa, the offspring of a white father and a \"colored\" mother. Also, and now commonly in Southern …

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In old European law. A kind of oath among the Bavarians. Spelman. In Saxon law. one bound by oath, q. …

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aigrette ENGLISH

The small white European heron. See Egret.

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alburn ENGLISH

The bleak, a small European fish having scales of a peculiarly silvery color which are used in making artificial pearls.

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alcedo ENGLISH

A genus of perching birds, including the European kingfisher (Alcedo ispida). See Halcyon.

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The European shad (Clupea vulgaris); allice shad. See Alose.

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The European shad (Clupea alosa); -- called also allice shad or allis shad. The name is sometimes applied to the …

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american ENGLISH

A native of America; -- originally applied to the aboriginal inhabitants, but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born …

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amerikana HILIGAYNON

amerikána - (Sp. americana) A man’s coat, American or European style. (cf. sáko).

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amerikana ILOKANO

n. 1. a female American, usually a citizen of the U.S.A. 2. a coat of the American or European style. …

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The European ring ousel (Turdus torquatus).

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ant-lion ENGLISH

A neuropterous insect, the larva of which makes in the sand a pitfall to capture ants, etc. The common American …

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Archicapellanus LAW AND LEGAL

L. Lat. In old European law. A chief or high chancellor, (summus cancellarius.) Spelman

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One of a primitive people supposed to have lived in prehistoric times, in Central Asia, east of the Caspian Sea, …

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