"Startish" is a word in ENGLISH

startish ENGLISH

Apt to start; skittish; shy; -- said especially of a

Few words of positivity

Go on, my dear," urges the snake. "Take one. Hear it? 'Pluck me,' it's saying. That big, shiny red one. 'Pluck me, pluck me now and pluck me hard.' You know you wan

David Mitchell, Ghostwritten

Laugh your heart out.

A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas. A friend of his said, "I thought she wanted one of those sporty 4-Wheel drive vehicles." "She did," he replied. "But where in the hell was I gonna finda fake Jeep?"

startful ENGLISH

Apt to start; skittish.

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startfulness ENGLISH

Aptness to start.

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startlish ENGLISH

Easily startled; apt to start; startish; skittish; -- said especially of a hourse.

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