"Standardize" is a word in ENGLISH

standardize ENGLISH

To reduce to a normal standard; to calculate or
adjust the strength of, by means of, and for uses in, analysis.

Few words of positivity

We’re not going to give in. We’re going to fight.”“Got that right,” a voice cried out.“First thing we need to have clear: there’s no line between freak and normal here. If you have the power, we’ll need you. If you don’t, we’ll need you.”Heads were nodding. Looks were being exchanged.“Coates kids, Perdido Beach kids, we’re together now. We’re together. Maybe you did things to survive. Maybe you weren’t always brave. Maybe you gave up hope.”A girl sobbed suddenly.“Well, that’s all over now,” Sam said gently. “It all starts fresh. Right here, right now. We’re brothers and sisters now. Doesn’t matter we don’t know each other’s names, we are brothers and sisters and we’re going to survive, and we’re going to win, and we’re going to find our way to some kind of happiness again.”There was a long, deep silence.“So,” Sam said, “my name is Sam. I’m in this with you. All the way.” He turned to Astrid.“I’m Astrid, I’m in this with you, too.”“My name is Edilio. What they said. Brothers and sisters. Hermanos.”“Thuan Vong,” said a thin boy with yet-unhealed hands like dead fish. “I’m in.”“Dekka,” said a strong, solidly built girl with cornrows and a nose ring. “I’m in. And I have game.”“Me too,” called a skinny girl with reddish pigtails. “My name’s Brianna. I…well, I can go real fast.”One by one they declared their determination. The voices started out soft and gained strength. Each voice louder, firmer, more determined than the one before.Only Quinn remained silent. He hung his head, and tears rolled down his cheeks.“Quinn,” Sam called to him.Quinn didn’t respond, just looked down at the ground.“Quinn,” Sam said again. “It starts fresh right now. Nothing before counts. Nothing. Brothers, man?”Quinn struggled with the lump in his throat. But then, in a low voice, he said, “Yeah. Brothers.

Michael Grant, Gone

Laugh your heart out.

A family of ducks were walking down the road when an 18-wheeler ran over all but 1 baby. Farther down the road a family of skunks were walking the other way when the same 18-wheeler ran over all but one baby. The duck and the skunk finally met each other and the duck said, "Excuse me, my mom died down the road. Would you tell me what I am?" "Well", said the skunk "You have webbed feet, a beak, and feathers. You must be a duck." "Thanks" said the duck; then the skunk said, "My mom died down the road too, will you tell me what I am?" "Well", said the duck, "Your black, your white, & your mom's dead, you must be O.J.'s kid"


To cast down or reduce low or lower, as in rank, office, condition in life, or estimation of worthiness; to …

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To reduce in estimation; to deprive.

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To diminish; to reduce. Legacies are liable to be abated entirely or in proportion, upon a deficiency of assets.

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To bring down or reduce from a higher to a lower state, number, or degree; to lessen; to diminish; to …

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abbreviate ENGLISH

To reduce to lower terms, as a fraction.

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abbreviate ENGLISH

To make briefer; to shorten; to abridge; to reduce by contraction or omission, especially of words written or spoken.

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abbreviation ENGLISH

The act of shortening, or reducing.

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abbreviation ENGLISH

The form to which a word or phrase is reduced by contraction and omission; a letter or letters, standing for …

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To reduce or contract; usually spoken of written language

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Abridgment Of Damages LAW AND LEGAL

The right of the court to reduce the damages in certain cases. Vide Brooke, tit. "Abridgment.

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absorbent ENGLISH

Any substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid fluid in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, chalk, etc.; also a substance …

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adjust ENGLISH

To put in order; to regulate, or reduce to system.

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admortization ENGLISH

The reducing or lands or tenements to mortmain. See Mortmain.

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Adnihilare LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. To annul;, to make void; to reduce to noth* ing; to treat as nothiug; to hold …

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affeer ENGLISH

To assess or reduce, as an arbitrary penalty or amercement, to a certain and reasonable sum.

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The act of reducing a substance to a fine or impalpable powder.

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alcoholize ENGLISH

To reduce to a fine powder.

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algebraize ENGLISH

To perform by algebra; to reduce to algebraic form.

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To reduce the purity of by mixing with a less valuable substance; as, to alloy gold with silver or copper, …

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amin v {3} [A; a12] admit a wrong or mistake one has done and be held responsible. Kun aminun nímung …

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