"Stair" is a word in ENGLISH


One step of a series for ascending or descending to a
different level; -- commonly applied to those within a building.


A series of steps, as for passing from one story of a house
to another; -- commonly used in the plural; but originally used in the
singular only.

Few words of positivity

Vibration can be shifted through the mastery of thought

Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace

Laugh your heart out.

What letters are not in the alphabet? The ones in the mail, of course!

amylene ENGLISH

One of a group of metameric hydrocarbons, C5H10, of the ethylene series. The colorless, volatile, mobile liquid commonly called amylene …

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A composition, in prose or poetry, accommodated to action, and intended to exhibit a picture of human life, or to …

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ethane ENGLISH

A gaseous hydrocarbon, C2H6, forming a constituent of ordinary illuminating gas. It is the second member of the paraffin series, …

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A monatomic, hydrocarbon radical, C2H5 of the paraffin series, forming the essential radical of ethane, and of common alcohol and …

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indentation ENGLISH

The act of beginning a line or series of lines at a little distance within the flush line of the …

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In descents. The order or series of persons who have descended one front the other or ell from a common …

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pectin ENGLISH

One of a series of carbohydrates, commonly called vegetable jelly, found very widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, especially in …

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A vertical series of alternate disks of two dissimilar metals, as copper and zinc, laid up with disks of cloth …

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rattlesnake ENGLISH

Any one of several species of venomous American snakes belonging to the genera Crotalus and Caudisona, or Sistrurus. They have …

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turbine ENGLISH

A water wheel, commonly horizontal, variously constructed, but usually having a series of curved floats or buckets, against which the …

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xylophone ENGLISH

An instrument common among the Russians, Poles, and Tartars, consisting of a series of strips of wood or glass graduated …

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