"Squamoid" is a word in ENGLISH

squamoid ENGLISH

Resembling a scale; also, covered with scales; scaly.

Few words of positivity

This is the way the world endsThis is the way the world endsThis is the way the world endsNot with a bang but a whimper.

T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men

Laugh your heart out.

How do you make a hamburger smile?Pickle it gently!


To be conformable; to resemble; to coincide; to correspond; as, the picture does not agree with the original; the two …

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artichoke ENGLISH

The Cynara scolymus, a plant somewhat resembling a thistle, with a dilated, imbricated, and prickly involucre. The head (to which …

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beeswing ENGLISH

The second crust formed in port and some other wines after long keeping. It consists of pure, shining scales of …

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chaffy ENGLISH

Resembling chaff; composed of light dry scales.

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escaloped ENGLISH

Covered with a pattern resembling a series of escalop shells, each of which issues from between two others. Its appearance …

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hepatic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, the plants called Hepaticae, or scale mosses and liverworts.

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impennate ENGLISH

Characterized by short wings covered with feathers resembling scales, as the penguins.

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iodine ENGLISH

A nonmetallic element, of the halogen group, occurring always in combination, as in the iodides. When isolated it is in …

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molybdenite ENGLISH

A mineral occurring in soft, lead-gray, foliated masses or scales, resembling graphite; sulphide of molybdenum.

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A small appendage like a rudimentary leaf, resembling the scales of a fish in form, and often in arrangement; as, …

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Hence, any layer or leaf of metal or other material, resembling in size and thinness the scale of a fish; …

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scaled ENGLISH

Having feathers which in form, color, or arrangement somewhat resemble scales; as, the scaled dove.

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Resembling scales, laminae, or layers.

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sirikpuyo HILIGAYNON

sirikpuyó - A kind of creeper whose leaves resemble the scales of the puyó-fish; hence the name.

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snake's-head ENGLISH

The Guinea-hen flower; -- so called in England because its spotted petals resemble the scales of a snake's head.

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squamous ENGLISH

Covered with, or consisting of, scales; resembling a scale; scaly; as, the squamose cones of the pine; squamous epithelial cells; …

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stupeous ENGLISH

Resembling tow; having long, loose scales, or matted filaments, like tow; stupose.

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