"Sputtered" is a word in ENGLISH

sputtered ENGLISH

of Sputter

Few words of positivity

God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.

Paul Dirac

Laugh your heart out.

Two cannibals just finished a big meal and one turns to the other while rubbing his stomach with his fist and says, "Youknow, I just ate my mother-in-law, and she still doesn't agree with me!"


dáplang - To splutter, sputter. Ang ákon plúma nagadáplang. My pen is spluttering. Indì mo pagdaplangón ang ímo plúma. Don’t …

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kalakala CEBUANO

kalàkalà n {1} croaking sound of frogs. {2} sputtering sound of defective engines. {3} sound of s.t. boiled at a …

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kalakkalak CEBUANO

kalakkalak n sputtering sound of a defective machine. v [B46; b6] for a defective machine to sputter. Mukalakkalak ang mak-ina …

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kángù v {1} [AB; c16] shake s.t. erect, be shaken. Kinsay nagkángù sa lamísa? Nayabu ang sabaw, Who shook the …

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paratupot ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to produce a series of sputtering sounds as during the evacuation of the bowels of a person having …

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sílit v {1} [A2S; b26P] flow in a continuous stream from where it is pent up. Misílit ang túbig sa …

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síyuk v {1} [A2S] sputter. Ígù rang nakasíyuk ang ribintadur ug walà makabutu, The firecracker just sputtered and didnt ex-plode. …

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spatter ENGLISH

To throw something out of the mouth in a scattering manner; to sputter.

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splutter ENGLISH

To speak hastily and confusedly; to sputter.

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sputter ENGLISH

Moist matter thrown out in small detached particles; also, confused and hasty speech.

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sputter ENGLISH

To spit out hastily by quick, successive efforts, with a spluttering sound; to utter hastily and confusedly, without control over …

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sputter ENGLISH

To throw out anything, as little jets of steam, with a noise like that made by one sputtering.

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sputter ENGLISH

To utter words hastily and indistinctly; to speak so rapidly as to emit saliva.

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sputter ENGLISH

To spit, or to emit saliva from the mouth in small, scattered portions, as in rapid speaking.

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sputterer ENGLISH

One who sputters.

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