"Spurway" is a word in ENGLISH

spurway ENGLISH

A bridle path.

Few words of positivity

Can you play the piano like Beethoven? Or sing like Carly Simon? Can you take fie pages' worth of quotes and turn them into a usable story ten minutes before deadline? I don't think so, unless you have more hidden talents I don't know about. We all have our special sills. They don't make us better or worse than each other. Just different

Jennifer Estep, Karma Girl

Laugh your heart out.

What's fat and jolly and runs on eight wheels?Father Christmas on roller skates!


That part of the under side of a horse's lower jaw which is above the chin, and bears the curb …

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To put a bridle upon; to put the bit in the mouth of.

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The part of a bridle, usually of iron, which is inserted in the mouth of a horse, and having appendages …

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bitless ENGLISH

Not having a bit or bridle.

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blinder ENGLISH

One of the leather screens on a bridle, to hinder a horse from seeing objects at the side; a blinker.

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blinker ENGLISH

A blinder for horses; a flap of leather on a horse's bridle to prevent him from seeing objects as his …

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bokádo - (Sp. bocado) A mouthful: the bit in a horse’s bridle.

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A protuberant ornament on any work, either of different material from that of the work or of the same, as …

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bowline ENGLISH

A rope fastened near the middle of the leech or perpendicular edge of the square sails, by subordinate ropes, called …

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branks ENGLISH

A sort of bridle with wooden side pieces.

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branks ENGLISH

A scolding bridle, an instrument formerly used for correcting scolding women. It was an iron frame surrounding the head and …

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An instrument formerly used io some parts of England for the correction of scolds; a scolding bridle. It inclosed the

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bridle ENGLISH

To restrain, guide, or govern, with, or as with, a bridle; to check, curb, or control; as, to bridle the …

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bridle ENGLISH

A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends, so that another rope, line, or chain may …

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bridle ENGLISH

The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.

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bridle ENGLISH

A mooring hawser.

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bridle ENGLISH

To hold up the head, and draw in the chin, as an expression of pride, scorn, or resentment; to assume …

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bridle ENGLISH

The head gear with which a horse is governed and restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins, with …

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bridle ENGLISH

A restraint; a curb; a check.

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bridle ENGLISH

To put a bridle upon; to equip with a bridle; as, to bridle a horse.

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