"Sporadial" is a word in ENGLISH

sporadial ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Soon, nobody was leaving their cubicles to talk anymore, and we were either e-mailing each other random thoughts or scheduling meetings, or speaking over an instant message chat.

Christopher Herz, Pharmacology

Laugh your heart out.

How did the octopus lovers walk down the road?Arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm.

lagsik-lagsik HILIGAYNON

lagsík-lágsik - Spread here and there, extended, sporadic; to spread, break out in different places (of diseases, revolutions, etc).

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sporades ENGLISH

Stars not included in any constellation; -- called also informed, or unformed, stars.

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sporadic ENGLISH

Occuring singly, or apart from other things of the same kind, or in scattered instances; separate; single; as, a sporadic …

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sporadically ENGLISH

In a sporadic manner.

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