"Spire" is a word in ENGLISH


The part of a spiral generated in one revolution of the
straight line about the pole. See Spiral, n.


To shoot forth, or up in, or as if in, a spire.


A slender stalk or blade in vegetation; as, a spire grass or
of wheat.


A tapering body that shoots up or out to a point in a
conical or pyramidal form. Specifically (Arch.), the roof of a tower
when of a pyramidal form and high in proportion to its width; also, the
pyramidal or aspiring termination of a tower which can not be said to
have a roof, such as that of Strasburg cathedral; the tapering part of
a steeple, or the steeple itself.


A spiral; a curl; a whorl; a twist.


To breathe.


The top, or uppermost point, of anything; the summit.


A tube or fuse for communicating fire to the chargen in

Few words of positivity

My former identity was lying around, somewhere, fragmented and buried, like shards from an earlier civilization.

Laurie Nadel, Dancing with the Wind: A True Story of Zen in the Art of Windsurfing

Laugh your heart out.

An Irish priest and a Rabbi get into a car accident. They both get out of their cars and stumble over to the side of the road. The Rabbi says, "Oy vey! What a wreck!" The priest asks him, "Are you all right, Rabbi?" The Rabbi responds, "Just a little shaken." The priest pulls a flask of whiskey from his coat and says, "Here, drink some of this it will calm your nerves." The Rabbi takes the flask and drinks it down and says, "Well, what are we going to tell the police?" "Well," the priest says, "I don't know what your aft' to be tellin' them. But I'll be tellin' them I wasn't the one drinkin'."

altitude ENGLISH

The perpendicular distance from the base of a figure to the summit, or to the side parallel to the base; …

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amumungpung CEBUANO

amumungpung n k. o. edible top shell reaching an inch, pyramid-shaped. amumuntag n k. o. octopus which tends to come …

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berylloid ENGLISH

A solid consisting of a double twelve-sided pyramid; -- so called because the planes of this form occur on crystals …

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bipyramidal ENGLISH

Consisting of two pyramids placed base to base; having a pyramid at each of the extremities of a prism, as …

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bushhammer ENGLISH

A hammer with a head formed of a bundle of square bars, with pyramidal points, arranged in rows, or a …

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corona ENGLISH

A crown or circlet suspended from the roof or vaulting of churches, to hold tapers lighted on solemn occasions. It …

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cuniform ENGLISH

One of the carpal bones usually articulating with the ulna; -- called also pyramidal and ulnare.

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To note or fix the time of, as of an event; to give the date of; as, to date the …

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diamond ENGLISH

A pointed projection, like a four-sided pyramid, used for ornament in lines or groups.

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dihexagonal ENGLISH

Consisting of two hexagonal parts united; thus, a dihexagonal pyramid is composed of two hexagonal pyramids placed base to base.

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frustum ENGLISH

The part of a solid next the base, formed by cutting off the, top; or the part of any solid, …

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homopolic ENGLISH

In promorphology, pertaining to or exhibiting that kind of organic form, in which the stereometric ground form is a pyramid, …

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kalgas CEBUANO

kalgas n animal flea. v [a4] have a skin disease characterized by small, itchy pyramid-shaped eruptions. It spreads when scratched. …

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liroconite ENGLISH

A hydrated arseniate of copper, occurring in obtuse pyramidal crystals of a sky-blue or verdigris-green color.

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macroprism ENGLISH

A prism of an orthorhombic crystal between the macropinacoid and the unit prism; the corresponding pyramids are called macropyramids.

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obelisk ENGLISH

An upright, four-sided pillar, gradually tapering as it rises, and terminating in a pyramid called pyramidion. It is ordinarily monolithic. …

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panicle ENGLISH

A pyramidal form of inflorescence, in which the cluster is loosely branched below and gradually simpler toward the end.

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payramid CEBUANO

payramid n {1} pyramid in gymnastics. {2} the Pyramids of Egypt. v [A1; b6] form a pyramid in gymnastics.

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A low tower, having a truncated pyramidal form, and flanking an ancient Egyptian gateway.

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pyramid ENGLISH

A solid body standing on a triangular, square, or polygonal base, and terminating in a point at the top; especially, …

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