"Spiral" is a word in ENGLISH

spiral ENGLISH

Anything which has a spiral form, as a spiral shell.

spiral ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a spiral; like a spiral.

spiral ENGLISH

A plane curve, not reentrant, described by a point, called
the generatrix, moving along a straight line according to a
mathematical law, while the line is revolving about a fixed point
called the pole. Cf. Helix.

spiral ENGLISH

Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually
receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring.

spiral ENGLISH

Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis, and at the same
time rising or advancing forward; winding like the thread of a screw;

Few words of positivity

If chaos is a masterpiece,Then you should see my heart.If battle scars are beautiful,Then I'm a work of art.

Kyra Jackson

Laugh your heart out.

How do Iranians speak on the telephone?Persian-to-Persian (person-to-person).


A carpenter's tool for boring holes larger than those bored by a gimlet. It has a handle placed crosswise by …

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A ring, series of rings, or spiral, into which a rope, or other like thing, is wound.

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helicoid ENGLISH

Spiral; curved, like the spire of a univalve shell.

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solenoid ENGLISH

An electrodynamic spiral having the conjuctive wire turned back along its axis, so as to neutralize that component of the …

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stentor ENGLISH

Any species of ciliated Infusoria belonging to the genus Stentor and allied genera, common in fresh water. The stentors have …

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turbinal ENGLISH

Rolled in a spiral; scroll-like; turbinate; -- applied to the thin, plicated, bony or cartilaginous plates which support the olfactory …

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vermetus ENGLISH

Any one of many species of marine gastropods belonging to Vermetus and allied genera, of the family Vermetidae. Their shells …

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A spiral instrument or screw, often like a double corkscrew, used for drawing balls from firearms.

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