"Sphragide" is a word in ENGLISH

sphragide ENGLISH

Lemnian earth.

Few words of positivity

When one fib becomes due as it were, you must forge another to take up the old acceptance; and so the stock of your lies in circulation inevitably multiplies, and the danger of detection increases every day.

William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the cannibal family who were caught spying by the witch-doctor? They were given a right roasting.

lutist ENGLISH

One who plays on a lute.

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kampilan ILOKANO

n. sword, saber, cutlass, machete.

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penanceless ENGLISH

Free from penance.

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excavate ENGLISH

To dig out and remove, as earth.

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immersable ENGLISH

In the law of contracts and of descents; to become the owner of proper-ty; to make property one’s own. wulzen …

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decreer ENGLISH

One who decrees.

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In Scotch law. A wand or staff carried by the messenger of a court, and which, when deforced, (that Is, …

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amalgama ENGLISH

Same as Amalgam.

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gulumuron HILIGAYNON

gulumúron - (H) A grumble, growl, illnatured complaint, muttering; to grumble, growl, murmur, mutter with discontent, make ill-natured complaints, (cf. …

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hídal - To blunt, dull, take off the edge. Indì mo paghidálon ang ákon binángon. Don’t blunt the edge of …

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To cover or inclose with bark, or as with bark; as, to bark the roof of a hut.

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provinciality ENGLISH

The quality or state of being provincial; peculiarity of language characteristic of a province.

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marechal niel ENGLISH

A kind of large yellow rose.

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righteousness ENGLISH

The act or conduct of one who is righteous.

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impartibility ENGLISH

The quality of being incapable of division into parts; indivisibility.

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refute ENGLISH

To disprove and overthrow by argument, evidence, or countervailing proof; to prove to be false or erroneous; to confute; as, …

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hinalagan HILIGAYNON

hinalagán - Unexpectedly, suddenly, etc. See hinálì, hingalág.

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minute ENGLISH

The sixtieth part of a degree; sixty seconds (Marked thus ('); as, 10¡ 20').

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enwreathe ENGLISH