"Spermatozoon" is a word in ENGLISH

spermatozoon ENGLISH

Same as Spermatozoid.

Few words of positivity

Women Empowerment Reminder of The Day. Always respect yourself as a woman. You attract what you are, so be very mindful of how you’re representing yourself. If you want respect, you must first learn how to respect yourself, first. Attracting negative attention is never a good thing. Be a woman of substance! Be a woman that both women and men respect, admire, and look up to. Don’t disrespect yourself by lowering your standards and accepting just anything that comes your way. It’s okay to be single! If you want a relationship of substance, you can’t keep entertaining people and things that mean you no good. Think about it! It’s all up to you.

Stephanie Lahart

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Which is harder to make? A blonde, brunette or a red-headed snowman? A: A blonde, because you have to hollow out its head,

antheridium ENGLISH

The male reproductive apparatus in the lower, consisting of a cell or other cavity in which spermatozoids are produced; -- …

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ovotesttis ENGLISH

An organ which produces both ova and spermatozoids; an hermaphrodite gland.

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The seed or fecundating fluid of male animals; sperm. It is a white or whitish viscid fluid secreted by the …

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spermatium ENGLISH

One of the motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi.

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The development of the spermatozoids.

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A primitive seminal cell, occuring in masses in the seminal tubules. It divides into a mass (spermosphere) of small cells …

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spermatozoid ENGLISH

The male germ cell in animals and plants, the essential element in fertilization; a microscopic animalcule-like particle, usually provided with …

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spermist ENGLISH

A believer in the doctrine, formerly current, of encasement in the male (see Encasement), in which the seminal thread, or …

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spermoblast ENGLISH

One of the cells formed by the division of the spermospore, each of which is destined to become a spermatozoid; …

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spermosphere ENGLISH

A mass or ball of cells formed by the repeated division of a male germinal cell (spermospore), each constituent cell …

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spermospore ENGLISH

The male germinal or seminal cell, from the breaking up of which the spermoblasts are formed and ultimately the spermatozoids; …

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zoosperm ENGLISH

One of the spermatic particles; spermatozoid.

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