"Speedy" is a word in ENGLISH

speedy ENGLISH

Not dilatory or slow; quick; swift; nimble; hasty;
rapid in motion or performance; as, a speedy flight; on speedy foot.

Few words of positivity

It is better to experience temporary discomfort to achieve the dream, than permanent comfort without any fulfillment.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Laugh your heart out.

What do cows wear when they're vacationing in Hawaii? Moo moos

banshie ENGLISH

A supernatural being supposed by the Irish and Scotch peasantry to warn a family of the speedy death of one …

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bilis Active Verb: bumilis Passive Verb: bilisan Definition: 1) speed (noun) 2) /ma-/ speedy, rapid, fast (adj) 3) to make …

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binta n vinta, k. o. speedy sailboat used by Muslims, with colorful sails and with one or two outriggers. v …

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certiorari ENGLISH

A writ issuing out of chancery, or a superior court, to call up the records of a inferior court, or …

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dalî - To be quick, prompt, fast, swift, speedy, rapid; to hasten, hurry, skurry, make haste, quicken, speed up, accelerate. …

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dásay - To be quick, swift, fast, rapid, speedy, expeditious, do quickly, hasten, make haste. Dasáya ang ímo paghámbal. Speak …

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dispatch ENGLISH

The finishing up of a business; speedy performance, as of business; prompt execution; diligence; haste.

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dispatch ENGLISH

To dispose of speedily, as business; to execute quickly; to make a speedy end of; to finish; to perform.

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dispatchful ENGLISH

Bent on haste; intent on speedy execution of business or any task; indicating haste; quick; as, dispatchful looks.

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irvingite ENGLISH

The common designation of one a sect founded by the Rev. Edward Irving (about 1830), who call themselves the Catholic …

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kalígsi - Swiftness, speediness, celerity, rapidity, fleetness, nimbleness, agility, quickness of movement. (lígsi; cf. kalíksi).

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kapágsi - Swiftness of movement, speediness, quickness, nimbleness, etc. (cf. kalígsi, págsi—lígsi). Also: activity, energy, agility, etc. (cf. kaábtik).

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lagsik CEBUANO

lagsik a {1} speedy and energetic. {1a} doing s.t. quickly. Lagsik kaáyu siyang mulálag banig, He is quick in weaving …

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lahóng - An opening, outlet, vent, passage through, exit or egress (on the other side); to have an opening through …

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madalî - Quick, immediate, without delay, swift, at once, prompt, fast, speedy, rapid, fleet, in haste, with haste, with despatch. …

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madásig - Quick, rapid, agile, fleet, swift, fast, speedy. (dásig).

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Speedy; hasty; swift; not slow; as, be quick.

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rami-rami HILIGAYNON

ramí-rámi - Quick, speedy, swift; to be quick, perform quickly. Ramíramíha ang ímo pagkáon, kay may kadtoán kitá. Eat quickly, …

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Advancing with haste or speed; speedy in progression; in quick sequence; as, rapid growth; rapid improvement; rapid recurrence; rapid succession.

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Recuperatores LAW AND LEGAL

In Roman law. A specles of judges first appointed to decide controversies between Roman citizens and strangers concerning rights requiring …

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