"Somnambulic" is a word in ENGLISH

somnambulic ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

I can hear our hearts breaking."A tear wets my fingertips, his tears, and his other hand encases my face, the way mine does him. His lips nearly skim mine. "I’ll shield your ears from the sound of heartbreak.

Krista Ritchie, Fuel the Fire

Laugh your heart out.

Which is the favourite Gorilla proverb?A fiend in need is a fiend indeed!

hypnobate ENGLISH
noctambulist ENGLISH
sleepwalker ENGLISH

One who walks in his sleep; a somnambulist.

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somnambular ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to somnambulism; somnambulistic.

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somnambule ENGLISH
somnambulist ENGLISH

A person who is subject to somnambulism; one who walks in his sleep; a sleepwalker; a noctambulist.

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Of or pertaining to a somnambulist or somnambulism; affected by somnambulism; appropriate to the state of a somnambulist.

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To be stirring; to be abroad; to go restlessly about; -- said of things or persons expected to remain quiet, …

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