"Solecistical" is a word in ENGLISH

solecistical ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or involving, a solecism; incorrect.

Few words of positivity

Who ought to be the king of france-the person who has the title, or the man who has the power?

Pepin the Short

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What is the definition of "moon"? The past tense of "moo"!

agnostic ENGLISH

Professing ignorance; involving no dogmatic; pertaining to or involving agnosticism.

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calculative ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to calculation; involving calculation.

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Pertaining to, produced by, or involving, both the reflection and refraction of light; as, a catadioptric light.

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Concerning, Concerned LAW AND LEGAL

Relating to; pertaining to; affecting; Involving; being engaged in or taking part in. U. S. v. Fulkerson (D. C.) 74 …

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exponential ENGLISH

Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as, an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an exponential function.

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fetishistic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or involving, fetichism.

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fraternal ENGLISH

Pf, pertaining to, or involving, brethren; becoming to brothers; brotherly; as, fraternal affection; a fraternal embrace.

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homodynamous ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or involving, homodynamy; as, successive or homodynamous parts in plants and animals.

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Of or pertaining to hydrometallurgy; involving the use of liquid reagents in the treatment or reduction of ores.

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imaginational ENGLISH

Pertaining to, involving, or caused by, imagination.

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incesttuous ENGLISH

Guilty of incest; involving, or pertaining to, the crime of incest; as, an incestuous person or connection.

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lamarckian ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or involved in, the doctrines of Lamarckianism.

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metabolic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to metamorphosis; pertaining to, or involving, change.

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monistic ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or involving, monism.

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monogamic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or involving, monogamy.

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polemic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to controversy; maintaining, or involving, controversy; controversial; disputative; as, a polemic discourse or essay; polemic theology.

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polygamous ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to polygamy; characterized by, or involving, polygamy; having a plurality of wives; as, polygamous marriages; -- opposed …

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postliminiary ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or involving, the right of postliminium.

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Of or pertaining to psychophysics; involving the action or mutual relations of the psychical and physical in man.

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punitive ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to punishment; involving, awarding, or inflicting punishment; as, punitive law or justice.

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